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Absolute Safety Is Found In The Path of The Salaf And Beware of Ahlul Bidah! – Shaykh al-Allaamah Zaid ibn Haadi al Madkhali (Rahimahullah)

Al-Allaamah Zaid Ibn Muhammad Al-Madhkali ( May Allah have mercy on him ) said : “And beware! Beware of falling into innovation and mixing [with] its people, and beware of listening to their deceptive [statements] and arguments because it is a disease. Indeed safety- absolute safety- is found in clinging to the Quran and Sunnah […]

The Danger of Sitting With Ahlul Bidah – By Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad [rahimahullaah]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said: ‘Do not sit with a person of innovation, for I fear that curses will descend upon you.’ Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan [may Allaah preserve him] commented on the above statement, saying: [That is] because punishment, anger and deviation descend […]

Why Do Ahlul Bidah Describe Ahlus Sunnah With Vile Descriptions? Shaykh Zayd al Madkhalee (Rahimahullaah)

Al -Allaamah Zayd bin Muhammad Al-Madkhalee (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “There is no doubt that the vile descriptions uttered by the people of innovation- past and present- which they apply to ahlus sunnah is dictated to them by [their] vain desires, shaytaan and the soul that is inclined to evil.” At-Ta’leeq al-Mateen […]

The Student of Knowledge Should Be A Role Model – Shaykh Zayd al Madkhalee (Rahimahullaah)

Al-‘Allaamah Zayd bin Muhammad Al-Madkhalee (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:   “If the student of knowledge deviates and he becomes ignorant like the ignorant people, and he becomes foolish and acts like the foolish,  then he has caused harm to the knowledge (that he has attained) and he has caused harm to himself […]

[3] Reminders From [Virtue of the Knowledge of the Salaf over the Knowledge of the Khalaf] -By Imaam Ibn Rajab [rahimahullaah]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Imaam Ibn Rajab [rahimahullaah] said: As for the knowledge which Allaah [The Most High] mentioned by way of dispraise, it is that which He [The Most High] mentioned regarding magic: وَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمۡ وَلَا يَنفَعُهُمۡ‌ۚ وَلَقَدۡ عَلِمُواْ لَمَنِ ٱشۡتَرَٮٰهُ مَا لَهُ ۥ فِى ٱلۡأَخِرَةِ […]

[2] Reminders From [Virtue of the Knowledge of the Salaf over the Knowledge of the Khalaf] -By Imaam Ibn Rajab [rahimahullaah]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Indeed, [we] have been told about a people who were given knowledge but their knowledge did not benefit them; for even though this [knowledge] is actually ‘Beneficial Knowledge’, however its possessor was not benefited by it. Allaah [The Most High] said: [مَثَلُ ٱلَّذِينَ […]

A Brief Acquaintance with the Affair of Those Who Deviated Due To Their Erroneous Understanding of the Arabic Language and the Sharee’ah Terms

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [rahimahullaah] said: The one who does not know the language of the Sahaabah- the language they used when speaking to [one another]; the [language] used by the Prophet [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] when he spoke to them and the manner in which […]

Alqamah [rahimahullaah] Described The Exaggeration of The Rawaafid

Alqamah [rahimahullaah]

Some Evil Consequences of Pride and False Analogy – By Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [rahimahullaah]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy قَالَ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَلَّا تَسْجُدَ إِذْ أَمَرْتُكَ ۖ قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِي مِن نَّارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِن طِينٍ [Allah] said: “What prevented you [O Iblis] that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you?” Iblis said: “I am better than him (Adam), You created me from […]

The Main Reason Munaafiqoon Are Rebuked – By Imaam Ibnul Qayyim

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [rahimahullaah] said: If deeds were of benefit without sincerity, the hypocrites would not have been rebuked. [الفوائد- page: 65]