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Reminder: Unbefitting or Bad Words In Our Conversations and Discussions Will Enable shaytaan to sow enmity among Us, So Let Us Not Be From Those who help him in anyway

Allaah (The Most High) said:

وَقُل لِّعِبَادِي يَقُولُوا الَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَنزَغُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ كَانَ لِلْإِنسَانِ عَدُوًّا مُّبِينًا

And say to My slaves that they should (only) say those words that are the best. (Because) Shaitan (Satan) verily, sows disagreements among them. Surely, Shaitan (Satan) is to man a plain enemy.

Imaam Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) stated:

Allaah [The Blessed and Most High] command His slave and Messenger [i.e. Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)] to command Allaah’s believing slaves that they speak to one another in their conversations and discussions with what is better and good, for if they do not do that, shaytaan will sow a state of conflict between them and speech will lead to actions, and thus evil, (blameworthy) argumentation and fighting will arise; for indeed shaytaan is an enemy of Aadam and his children since (the time) he refused to prostrate to Aadam. His enmity is clear and manifest, so because of this, it prohibited for a man to point at his Muslim brother with an iron (instrument), for indeed shaytaan (can entice an evil action) in his hand and he may cause him to strike him (i.e. his Muslim brother) with it.


[Source: Al-Misbaah Al-Muneer Fee Tahdheb Tafseer Ibn katheer’ Surah Al-Israa 17: 53]

Precise quote by Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi from Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab about referring back to the Book and Sunnah during differ

Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi (may Allaah preserve him) stated in ‘Al-Iqnaa’u Bimaa Jaa’a An A’immatid Da’wati Minal Aqwaali Fil Ittibaa’ page17:

Imaam Muhammad Bin Abdil Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) said regarding the statement of [Allaah (The Most High)]:

فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِ

 (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger

When it is the case that Allaah [Glorified be He and free is He from all imperfections] has indeed obligated on us to refer back to Allaah concerning wherein we differ- that is (referring back our differing) to the Book of Allaah and to the Messenger – that is his Sunnah-; we know definitely (without any doubt) that the one who refers back to the Book and the Sunnah regarding what the people differ in, he will find in them (i.e. the Book and the Sunnah) that which will end the differing (i.e. the correct position will be established and the differing will end).


Abu Mu’aawiyah (Abdullah Al-Gambi)

Reminder: The Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) Advised Mu’aadh (radiyallaahu-anhu) To Make This Supplication after the Prayer

It was reported from Abu ‘Abdur-Rahman Al-Hubli, from As-SunãbihI, from Mu’ädh bin Jabal, that the Messenger of Allah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) held his hand and said: “0 Mu’adh! I swear by Allah, I love you. I swear by Allah, I love you. I advise you, 0 Mu’ãdh, that you never leave saying after every prayer,

[اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ – O Allah! Help me in remembering You, thanking You, and perfecting my worship of You (1)].” And Mu’ãdh advised As-Sunãbihi with that, and As-Sunabihi advised Abu ‘Abdur-RahmAn with that. [2]


[1] According to Imaam Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah), it is better to supplicate with this supplication after the Tasha’hud and before the Tasleem, but there is no harm in doing so after the Tasleem. For further details, refer to this link to find out why the Shaikh (rahimahullaah) says so.

[2] Declared Saheeh (authentic) by Imaam Albaani (rahimahullaah) in his checking of Sunan Abee Dawud’ Hadeeth number: 1522

Abu Mu’aawiyah (Abdullah Al-Gambi)

[3] Shaikh Rabee quotes a statement of some of the Salaf regarding one of the qualities of a just person

Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him) said that some of the Salaf stated regarding a just person:  ”The just (person) is the one who when angry is not entered into falsehood by his anger. And when he is pleased, being pleased does not removed him from the truth.


[Source: Al-Mahajjatul Baydaa Fee Himaayatis Sunnatil Gharraa’i Min Zallaati Ahlil Akh’taa Wa Zayghi Ahlil Ahwaa’ page 37′ by Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him)]

Abu Mu’aawiyah (Abdullah Al-Gambi)

A Tremendous Advice of Al-Allaamah Ahmad Bin Yahyah An-Najmi (rahimahullaah)!

Al-Allaamah Ahmad Bin Yahyah An-Najmi (rahimahullaah) said:

O people! Beautify your deeds based on the scales of the legislated Islamic Law-the scales of the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the actions of the Salaf of the Ummah!

Examine whether you are upon the truth or whether you have abandoned it, or some of it! If you are upon the truth, then praise your Lord Who granted it to you and asked Him for steadfastness upon it. And if you have abandoned it or some of it, then take yourselves to account today before time elapses!

Remember that Allaah (The Most High) will question everyone of us regarding the response we gave to the Messengers and what we used to do!

O brothers! Indeed I call you to a call that is an upright guidance for you and out of concern for you, so that you are freed from the (groups) of illegal partisanship and return to the unrestricted truth and the Sunnah. But if you refuse, then the meeting between you and us will be in Allaah’s presence (i.e. day of judgement) and those who have wronged are going to know to what (kind of) return they will be returned.

[Source: الرد الشرعي المعقول على المتصل المجهول-page: 145]


May Allaah reward our brother Abu Abdir Razzaaq (Amjad Khan) for sharing the Arabic text of this reminder via WhatsApp (Aameen)

[4] The Confused and Bewildered Caller to Brotherhood [@ Markaz As-Sunnah (Stoke-On-Trent)] Said, ‘’Hujja is Qur’aan and hadeeth. Besides Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) everyone’s Kalaam is liable to rejection.’’ [End of Quote] Reader: This is a Statement of Truth Though Which He Seeks after Falsehood and So That He Can Turn a Blind Eye to the Hizbiyyah of His Hizbi Friends and Reject the Clear Proofs against Them

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy


Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) was asked about humility, so he said: It is to humble oneself to the truth, submit to it and accept it from the one who utters it.

Ibn Ataa (rahimahullaah) said: Humility is to accept the truth wherever it may be; honour is found in humility, so whoever seeks it though pride is like one who seeks water from fire.

[Madaarij As-Saalikeen Vol. 2]


Firstly: Dear Reader, the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah stated that the Qur’aan and Hadeeth are the absolute proofs and besides these two everyone’s statement can be accepted or rejected. There is no doubt that this above statement is absolute truth by way of which he seeks to turn a blind eye to the hizbiyyah of his companions and thus reject the unambiguous proofs produced by the salafiyyoon against them.

Al-Allaamah Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) was asked about the statement of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah): Everyone can have his statement accepted or rejected except the inhabitant of this grave [i.e. the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)]’’ as to whether this applies to the Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah Al-Ijtihaadiyyah (i.e. those affairs of fiqh about which the scholars perform ijtihaad to reach a verdict) and not the Masaa’il Al-Aqadiyyah (i.e. the affairs of Aqeedah)?

Answer: There is no differing in the affairs of Aqeedah- there is no room for accepting or rejecting because it is a clear affair based on Tawqeef (i.e. clear and unambiguous evidence from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah), rather this (i.e. accepting or rejecting) is with regards to the affairs of Fiqh [i.e. the Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah Al-Ijtihaadiyyah (i.e. those affairs of fiqh about which the scholars perform ijtihaad to reach a verdict)], so everyone can have his statement accepted based on what is in agreement to the evidence (i.e. the Qur’aan and the Sunnah) and what is in opposition to the evidence (i.e. Qur’aan and Sunnah) is rejected. This is what Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) intended (by his statement). [source: ]

Reader: Pay attention to Shaikh Fawzaan’s words as follows: so everyone can have his statement accepted based on what is in agreement to the evidence (i.e. the Qur’aan and the Sunnah) and what is in opposition to the evidence (i.e. Qur’aan and Sunnah) is rejected

Therefore, the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah should not follow his desires and deliberately turn away from the proofs produced by the Salafiyyoon against the Hizbiyyoon of Greenlane and their allies, rather if he thinks that there are no proofs he should justify his view. This is what he should do rather than saying that everyone’s statement can be rejected, even though he has no justification to do so. Indeed, the evidences against these people are nothing else but their own deviations in Manhaj, which they openly proclaim by cooperating and sitting with ahlul bidah. Therefore, this statement of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) should be utilised for truth and not for obstinacy and unjustified rejection against truth.

Secondly: The confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah should know that the Khilaaf between Masjid Al-Furqan and Greenlane’s allies in Stoke-On-Trent is not Khilaaf in issues of Fiqh; rather the khilaaf between Masjid Al-Furqan and them is khilaaf Manhajiy. Shaikh Muqbil Bin Haadi (rahimahullaah) said:

Al-Khilaaf Fiqhiy: It is when the evidence can carry this (meaning) or that (meaning), such as the Hadeeth:”When one of you wakes up from his sleep, he must not put his hand in a utensil till he has washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was.” The scholars have differed in this (affair); amongst them are those who say that the water becomes impure and amongst them are those who say that it is forbidden (to put one’s hand in the water) but (the water) does not become impure and this affair is a legislated act of worship; and amongst them are those who say that it is Makrooh (disliked to put the one’s hand in the water  but not forbidden), because he (i.e. the person) is upon certainty that his hand is in a state of purity.  So the likes of this (affair) is Ikhtilaaf fiqhiy and similar to it (also is whether) the Basmallaah is to be uttered loudly (during the prayer).

Al-Khilaaf Manhajiy:  As for Al-khilaaf Manhajiy, it is a problematic disease such as the methodology of Ikhwaan Al-Mufliseen; for their Manhaj is entry into elections, houses of parliaments and party Multiplicity.  This is considered to be Ikhtilaaf Manhajiy because it is in opposition to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wa-alaa-aalihi-wasallam)…… [End of quote…See: Ghaaratul Ash-ritah: page: 40-41: Vol 1]

This is Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen and their differences with the Salafiyyoon are nothing else but Khilaaf Manhajiy- an affair that will lead to deviation and destruction. Likewise, the Khilaaf between Greenlane’s associates (i.e. Ihya Turaath) and the Salafiyyoon is Khilaaf Manhajiy. Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him) said: Ihyaa Turaath mixes the religion with politics or bidah with Sunnah. The Shaikh also says: Their call is a mixture. They call to those who are considered to be from ahlul bidah. [see link about the severe manhaj deviations of ihya turaath (the allies of greenlane:

Indeed, pay close attention to this affair so that you are not deceived- in your religious affairs- by the deceitful false claimants to Salafiyyah. The Maraakiz of Salafiyyah do not have a working relationship with any organization or group that mixes Sunnah and bidah. However, Greenlane’s Admin co-operates with organizations and groups that mix Sunnah and Bidah, such as Ihyaa Turaath, Al-Maghrib Institute. This is a Manhaj shared between Ihyaa Turaath and Greenlane’s Admin.

Finally: Some people similar to the confused caller to brotherhood have attempted to portray the differences between Greenlane and SP as issues of permissible khilaaf, rather the khilaaf between SP and Greenlane is Khilaaf Manhajiy. See here:

Shaikh Muhammad Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) responded to the statement [Laa Inkaar Fee Masaa’il al-khilaaf- There Should Be No Repudiation In The affairs of Khilaaf (i.e. differing)]:

Some people are under the illusion that what is intended by this statement is that it impermissible to repudiate (others) regarding any affair in which difference of opinion is held.  So based upon this (illusion of theirs), it becomes impermissible to disapprove of a Munkar (an evil) unless there is complete agreement in doing so.  This is a wrong understanding which necessitates the termination of enjoining good and forbidding evil.

The scholars (i.e. of Ahlus Sunnah) hold differences of opinion in most of the Masaa’il (i.e. the verdicts on fiqh and subsidiary issues). And what is correct regarding this statement ‘Laa Inkaar Fee Masaa’il Al-Khilaaf- There should be no repudiation in affairs of Khilaaf (differing)’ is that there should neither be harshness in (one’s) disapproval nor (in one’s) criticism regarding those issues about which there is no manifest proof to be taken as the final (verdict). And the basis upon which this is founded is that the issues of khilaaf (differing) are of two categories:

The First Category: They are those issues of khilaaf in which there is proof necessitating that it should be taken as the final (verdict).  So here, the proof must be taken and the other statement (or opinion) in opposition is discarded.  And whoever follows the statement (or opinion) that is established to be in opposition to the proofs, then he is to be repudiated.

The Second Category: It is those issues of khilaaf in which the proof has not been manifested in order to be taken as the final (verdict).  It is an affair in which the evidences contend with each other or the views are at variance.  This is an issue of Ijtihaad, and there is neither disapproval nor reprimand against the one in opposition; rather advice is given to acquaint (each other) with the statement that carries more weight.   This second category of (khilaaf) is what is intended by the statement ‘Laa Inkaar Fee Masaa-il Al-Khilaaf’ which some people have understood in an unrestricted manner. [Source: Ibaaraat Moohimah, page 25’ by Shaikh Muhammad Bin Umar Saalim Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him)]

Indeed, the issues between Greenlane and SP, between Masjid Al-Furqan (stoke) and the allies of Greenlane in stoke (Markaz as-Sunnah, Markaz at-Tawheed and Markaz al-Huda) are issues of Manhaj. SP, Masjid Al-Furqan and their brothers do not cooperate with ahlul bidah, such as Ihyaa Turaath, al-Maghrib Institute and others, but Greenlane and their allies cooperate with ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, Al-Maghrib Institute and others. There are clear and unambiguous evidences showing that Greenlane are upon a hizbi manhaj and this is manifested in their deeds- cooperating with ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, al Maaghrib institute and others.


And even if Greenlane’s Admin and their allies seek to hide their reality by having links with some the Saudi Shaikhs, then we say to them, ”Why do you have links with these Shaikhs- some of whom are considered to be upon the Sunnah- but on the other hand you cooperate with ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, Yasir Qadhi and other al-Maghrib speakers? Indeed, this is nothing else but mixing haqq with baatil. It was said to Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee (rahimahullaah): Indeed a man says, ”I sit with Ahlus Sunnah and I sit with ahlul bidah.” So Al-Awzaa’ee said: This man wants to equate truth with falsehood. [Al-Ibaanah 2/456]

Therefore, the confused caller to brotherhood should know that the differences between us and his friends are Manhajiy- we are free from the people of bidah, whilst his friends ( Greenlane and their allies) are with the people of bidah and misguidance, such as Ihya Turaath, Al-Maghrib Institute and others. He should submit to the truth and stop seeking lame excuses and making unwarranted emotional appeals. Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) was asked about humility, so he said: It is to humble oneself to the truth, submit to it and accept it from the one who utters it.   Ibn Ataa (rahimahullaah) said: Humility is to accept the truth wherever it may be; honour is found in humility, so whoever seeks it though pride is like one who seeks water from fire.


And Allaah knows best

To be continued…In-Shaa-Allaah

[3] A Notification to the Confused and Bewildered Caller to Brotherhood at [Markaz As-Sunnah (Stoke-On-Trent)]: Obtain Clear Knowledge of What Blameworthy Taqleed Is Before Accusing Others Based On Jahl and Dhulm!

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said:

Speech about the people has to be with knowledge and justice, and not by way of Jahl and Dhlum.

[Minhaajus Sunnah: 4/337]


Indeed, it is amazing to know that the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah hurled a false accusation at the Salafi Admin of Masjid Al-Furqan -that they are guilty of Taqleed (i.e. blameworthy Taqleed). However, let us inform this person of an affair, which will either manifest his error or false accusation. Ibn Abdul-Barr (rahimahullaah) said:

According to the scholars, Taqleed (i.e. blind following) is other than Ittibaa. That is because Ittibaa is to follow a person based on what is apparent to you based on the superiority of his statement and soundness of his school of thought. And Taqleed is that you speak with his statement, whilst you neither know the angle of his speech nor its meaning and you reject speech besides it; or his mistake is made manifest to you, but you follow him and venerate his opposition (against the truth), whilst the corruptness of his speech is clear to you. This is what is forbidden to speak with in the religion of Allaah (The Most High). [Jaami Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa-Fadlihee: 2/787]

Indeed, the Salafiyyoon at Masjid Al-Furqan and their brothers in the other Maraakiz take firm stances against the people of Hizbiyyah and Tamyee based on the deviance manifested by these people. So take a look at the following:

What is the reality of jamiat ahle hadeeth of old?


What is the reality of Greenlane’s New Admin?

What is the reality of suhaib hasan?


What is the reality of abdul Hadi?


What is the reality of abu usama?

So after examining the evidences against the above organizations and individuals, do we base our stances on blind following or do we establish them based on evidence?! Do you find the Admin of Masjid al-Furqan and their brothers in the other Maraakiz and Masaajid upon these deviated methodologies?! Do we find the Admin at Masjid Al-Furqan upon the platforms of the innovators or co-operating with those who accompany the innovators?! Indeed, never do you find the Admin at Masjid Al-Furqan co-operating with ahlul bidah by the Tawfeeq of Allaah. If you speak again make sure it is based on sound evidence and not out of ignorance, as Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said: Speech about the people has to be with knowledge and justice, and not by way of Jahl and Dhulm.’’ [Minhaajus Sunnah: 4/337]

To be continued…In-Shaa-Allaah

[2] A Notification to the Confused and Bewildered Caller to Brotherhood at [Markaz As-Sunnah (Stoke-On-Trent)]: Help Yourself Before You Help Others, Because You Are In Need of Sound Manhaj, Otherwise You Would Not Have Been Keeping the Company of The Friends of Those Who Befriend and Shelter Ahlul Bidah, Such As Ihya Turaath and Al-Maghrib Institue!

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy


Ibn Awn (rahimahullaah) said:

من يجالس أهل البدع أشد علينا من أهل البدع

Those who sit with the people of innovation are more severe upon us than the people of innovation themselves.

[Al Ibaanah 2/273]

Therefore, we ask the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah to help himself -first and foremost-by learning the details of the Salafi Manhaj and remove himself from those who sit, praise, accompany and shelter ahlul bidah. This is the right thing to do, rather than uttering or transmitting statements whose implications he does not understand.


Allaah (The Most High) stated:

وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَقَّ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ

And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know (the truth) [2:42]

Indeed, the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah uttered a statement of truth by way of which he desired to promote falsehood. He said that Shaikh Wasiyullah said: ‘’If your brother gets sick are you going to get him treated or will you abandon him?’’ This statement is truth by way of which the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah seeks to utilize for falsehood in order to divert us from the main topic being addressed. Indeed, what this person fails to realize is that the one who innovates is not like the one who follows innovations but did not innovate. The one who knows the truth but follows falsehood is not like the one who does not know. The one who calls to his innovations is not like the one who does not calls. Shaikh Zaid Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali (rahimahullaah) said:

The people of desires and misguidance are (categorized into) those who are followed and those who follow. Those who are followed are the ones who set up the various principles of innovation and call to their innovation and misguidance. And they will carry their burden of sins and the burden of the sins of those whom they misguided without knowledge, as it is clearly stated in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.  As for the followers of a leader from amongst the people of desires, then in most cases they are of two categories:

The First Category: Those who possess knowledge, but they harbour evil intentions; so they yield to Satan, desires and the urge of the evil soul. They follow the people of misguidance and oppose the callers to guidance (in that which) Allaah sent His Messenger Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) with.

The Second Category: Their share of knowledge is little, so the people of desires take advantage of them and they become (part) of their group. They convince them that what they call them to is the manifest truth and that what their opponents are upon is falsehood. And they convey to them a huge (number) of affairs that resemble the truth but are falsehood in reality, in order to deceive them and submerge them into misguidance.  As for those who are followed—those who set up principles of bidah and call the people to their bidah and misguidance–then indeed they are marked with the bidah they innovated and call the people to, and for them there is no honour. [Source: Al-Ajwibah Al-Athariyyah Anil Masaa-il Al-Manhajiyyah, Khamsoona Su’aalan Wa-Jawaaban: page: 18-19:]

The above statement of Shaikh Zaid (rahimahullaah) manifests the fact that the followers of an innovator are not all the same-those who are deceived are not similar to those who know the truth but are obstinate upon falsehood. This is why Shaikh Zaid (rahimahullaah) said about the obstinate ones-those who know the haqq but are obstinate-: There is no honour for them after the truth has been established with its evidences and (after) the falsity of that which is in opposition to it of newly invented affairs in the Religion has been clarified.

Therefore, we make it absolutely clear to the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah that help cannot be given to Greenlane’s Admin and their staunch agents in Stoke, for they are well aware of the cause of their sickness (i.e. hizbiyyah), but they neither desire a cure nor do they listen to those who can help them; rather the old and new Admins of Greenlane have been spreading their Hizbiyyah for many years and with determination.

Indeed, we do not say that Greenlane’s Admin and their agents in Stoke-On-Trent are Mubtadi’ah because only the scholars can pass a judgement of Tabdee. However, there is no doubt that their foremost promoter of hizbiyyah (Abu Usama) has been declared a man of bidah by Al-Allaamah Ahmad Bin Yahyah An-Najmi (rahimahullaah).  On the other hand Greenlane’s repugnant hizbiyyah and deviant methodology of sheltering ahlul bidah and deviants is well known to the scholars, such as Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi, Shaikh Ubaid and others. Greenlane’s Admin are a people who openly declare their support for ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, and they are well known for sheltering and supporting Al-Maghrib Institute and its misguided mentor Yasir Qadhi. Indeed, just recently Greenlane’s Admin were encouraging people to attend Yasir Qadhi’s lecture and Yasir Qadhi is none else but that deviant who desires to unite the deviant sects. See links: Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi on Yasir Qadhi:

Indeed, the Salaf and their Manhaj are free from those who seek to attribute themselves to the Salaf, but on the other hand they keep the company of ahlul bidah. Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) said:

Do not sit with the people of desires (i.e. ahlul bidah) for indeed sitting with them will cause sickness to the hearts. [Al-Ibaanah 2/438]

Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) said:

It is neither permissible for anyone to sit with ahlul bidah nor mix with them, nor socialize with them. [Source: Al-Ibaanah 495]

Shaikh Hamood At-Tuwayjiree (rahimahullaah) said:

Indeed the Salaf As-Saaleh (pious predecessors) used to warn against ahlul bidah and they were severe in warning against them. They forbade (others) from listening to their speech; (forbade others) from sitting with them; (forbade others) from accompanying them and from listening to their speech….[Al-Qawlul Baleegh Fee At-Tahdheer Min Jamaa’ah At-Tableegh. Pages: 31-33]

However, Markaz at-Tawheed, Markaz as-Sunnah and Markaz al-Huda are all allies, companions and confidants of Greenlane’s Admin and Greenlane’s Admin are well known for sheltering ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, Al-Maghrib Institure and others. Adnaan Abdul Qaadir visited Markaz at-Tawheed- and Adnaan is none else but one of the main students and shelterers of the Mubtadi Siyaasi Ikhwaani Abdur-Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq. Ibn Awn (rahimahullaah) said:

من يجالس أهل البدع أشد علينا من أهل البدع

Those who sit with the people of innovation are more severe upon us than the people of innovation themselves. [Al Ibaanah 2/273]

This is what Greenlane’s Admin and their allies in stoke do- they invite the people of Bidah at ihyaa Turaath. On the other hand, Greenlane is well known for other affairs of misguidance. For more details about Greenlane’s Admin, visit the following links.

Therefore, we ask the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah to help himself first by learning the details of the Salafi Manhaj and remove himself from those who sit, praise, accompany and shelter ahlul bidah. This is the right thing to do, rather than uttering or transmitting statements whose implications he does not understand.

And Allaah knows best

To be continued….In-Shaa-Allaah

Reminder to the Salafiyyoon at Masjid Al-Furqan (Stoke-on-Trent): A Pdf Doc that will acquaint you with Ihsan Hanif’s -(a staunch partner in Greenlane’s Hizbiyyah)- hizbi allies, companions associates, so that you are not deceived by anyone invited at Markaz at-Tawheed or elsewhere

Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullaah;

This pdf doc   allies_companions_associates   will acquaint you with the hizbi Manhaj of Ihsan Hanif- an active participant in Greenlane’s hizbiyyah. He is mentioned on page 24, but you must read everything before page 24 in order to see clearly who the hizbi associates, companions and allies of Ihsan Hanif are.  Note: Do not rush, rather even read a page everyday until you are acquainted with the falsehood that surrounds these people so that you are not deceived by any hizbi invited to speak at Markaz At-Tawheed or elsewhere.


Abu Mu’aawiyah (Abdullah Al-Gambi)