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Tag: rawaafid

Why Ahlus Sunnah Rejoiced In The Year 568AH?! – By Imaam Ibn Katheer [rahimahullaah]

Imaam Ibn Katheer [rahimahullaah] said:

Al-Hasan Ibn Saafee Ibn Bazdan At-Turki was from the senior rulers of Baghdad, who ruled in the Islamic State. But he was a Raafidi, a wicked one and bigoted supporter of the Rawaafid. They [i.e. the Rawaafid] were honoured by him until Allaah relieved the Muslims of him in that year [i.e. the year 568AH] in the month of Dhul Hijjah. He was buried in his house, but moved to Quraish’s graveyard thereafter. All praise and bounty belongs to Allaah. When he died, Ahlus Sunnah were very happy and they openly thanked Allaah. You did not find any of them except that he praised Allaah. [1]

See website: All you need to know about the Rawaafid

[1] Al-Bidaayatu Wan-Nihaayatu 12/338

Islaam and the Muslims Are Not Ruined, Except By the Khawaarij and Those Similar to Them…by Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadi

In The Name of Allaah, The Most merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Madkhalee [may Allaah preserve him] said:

By Allaah! Islaam and the Muslims are not ruined except by these type of [people] amongst the people of bidah and misguidance-the khawaarij and those similar to them, and those who are worse such as the Rawaafid.

The rawaafid are worse than the khawaarij, and Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon (Ref1) ally with them and say: “They [rawaafid] are our brothers; the differing between us and them is like the differing between [Imaam] Maalik and [Imaam] Shaafi’ee- Meaning: The differing between us [i.e. Ikhwaan Muslimoon] and them [i.e. rawaafid Shiites] is based on ijtihaad. If Imaam [Maalik] and [Imaam] Shafee’ee differ in [some] affairs, they are all rewarded. And if we [ikhwaan al-muslimoon] differ with the rawaafid shiites, then us and them are rewarded.

O deceivers! [i.e. Ikhwaanis] The rawaafid revile the Sahaabah and declare them disbelievers; they revile the wives of the Messenger [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallaam]; they say that the Qur’aan is distorted; they have shir’kiyyaat [i.e. beliefs, views and acts of major polytheism] and they deify the leaders of the Prophet’s family. So does all of this not harm them [i.e. harm their claim to Islaam]? Is this not irjaa?! [i.e. O Ikhwaanis! Is this alliance of yours with the rawaafid and your claim that the differing between you and them is like the differing between Imaams Maalik and Shaafi’ee not Ir’jaa?!(Ref 2)]

[Source: الذريعة إلى بيان مقاصد كتاب الشريعة للإمام المحدث أبي بكر محمد بن الحسين الآجري   pages: Page: 162]

Ref 1: About Ikhwaanis visit:

Ref 2: Irjaa and the Muji’ah