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Tag: Rulers

Supplicate for our Muslim Rulers and do not Supplicate against them!

Abu Uthmaan Saeed  Bin Ismaa’eel [rahimahullaa (1)] said:  ”Advice the Muslim ruler (in private) and make a lot of supplication for him to be righteous and rightly guided in speech, action and judgement. Indeed, if they (rulers) are righteous, the slaves of Allaah will be righteous by way of them (i.e. through their ruler ship).  Beware of supplicating against them by way cursing and thus they increase in evil and (cause) calamity upon the muslims. Rather supplicate for them to be granted the ability to repent, so that they abandon evil and calamity is removed from the Muslims.


[1] [He was admonisher; a man who sufficed with little from the worldly pleasures and

was one of the narrators of the hadeeth ”’The religion is Naseehah. (Shu’ab Al-Imaan 6/26)]

Obedience to the Muslim rulers–Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him)

Question to Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him):

‘How do we reconcile the Hadith: ”Whoever is killed while protecting his property, then he is a martyr” (1) and the Hadith: ”You should listen and obey the ruler even if he flogs your back and takes your wealth, then still hear and obey.”(2)
”You should hear and obey the ruler even if he flogs your back and takes your wealth.”  This is with the Muslim Ruler. (i.e. this is the manner the Muslim is expected to behave with the Muslim Ruler). As for protecting one’s wealth (by way of resistance), this is (done) with other than the Muslim Ruler.  If an oppressor, or a thief, or a robber, or a highway robber wants to take your wealth, then you defend (i.e. defend yourself) even if you are killed.  If killed, you are a martyr.  As for the Muslim Ruler, you do not resist.  Even if your wealth is taken, you do not resist; rather exercise patience due to the greater evil (i.e. the greater evil that may come about from resisting).   So there is differentiation between the Muslim Ruler and someone among the people (i.e. oppression received from someone among the people)


What do you say to the one who says: ”Indeed the hadith (i.e. the above hadith) nurtures the Muslim upon weakness.”


The Hadith nurtures the Muslim upon obedience and strength.  This is because obedience to the Muslim Ruler is Strength and not weakness. He leaves this (i.e. this resistance against the Muslim Ruler) for the sake of a universal good and (for the sake of) uniting the word of the Muslims.  The people of desires want to do away with the authentic proofs so that they can safeguard their views.  This is their intention.  They bring doubts in the aayaat and the ahaadith in order to safeguard their deviated views.


[Source: Explanation of the hadith: ‘’We were in a state of ignorance p.46-47. Questions and Answers section]

1.  Reported by Bukhaari (Vol 3 No:2480)

2. Reported by Muslim (English Trans 3/1029/ no.4554) (Ibn Abee Aasim in As-sunnah 2/492 no:1026)




LIVE EVENT – Rulers Who Dont Rule By Allah’s Law

Rulers Who Dont Rule By Allah’s Law

Live Event on Saturday 26th April 2014

From 4.00pm onwards

Confirmed Speakers:

Abu Hakeem

Abu Idrees

Abu Mu’aadh

Refreshments, stalls, scents, oils and much more

The Salafi Centre of Manchester

2 Dudley Street, Cheetham hill, Manchester, M8 9DA
