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Tag: Salaf

AbuBakr and Umar [radiyallaahu-anhumaa] Used to Compete Each Other In Good Deeds

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [rahimahullaah] said:

Every competitor compete the other and is happy when joined in it, just as the companions of the Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahua-alayhi-wasallam] used to compete in good and they were pleased when others joined them; rather they used to encourage one another whilst competing. This is part of seeking to be foremost in [good deeds].  Allaah [The Most High] said: [ ۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ-So hasten towards all that is good].  Allaah [The Most High] said:

[سَابِقُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ – Race one with another in hastening towards Forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and towards Paradise, the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth]. [57:21]

Umar Ibnul Khattaab [radiyallaahu-anhu] used to hasten towards [good deeds to compete] Abu-Bakr [radiyallaahu-anhu], but he never won. [Ref 1]

Umar [radiyallaahu-anahu] said: One day the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] commanded us to give sadaqah. At that time I had some property, so I said: Today I shall surpass Abu-Bakr if I am to surpass him any day.  So I brought half of my property. The Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said: What did you leave for your family? I replied: The same amount. Then Abu-Bakr brought all that he had with him. So the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said to him: What did you leave for your family? He replied: I left Allah and His Messenger for them. I [Umar] said: I shall never [excel you] in competing you in anything. [Ref 2]

[Ref 1: Source: Ar-Rooh of Imaam Ibnul Qayyim 431-432) abridged]

[Ref 2: Abu Dawood and graded Hasan by Sh Albaani’ Hadeeth Number: 1678’ kitaab Az-Zakaah (page: 259)]


A Glimpse into the Excellence of the Knowledge of the Salaf- by Imaam Ibn Rajab

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Imaam Ibn Rajab [rahimahullaah] said about the Salaf:

There is not to be found in the statements of those who came after the Salaf (any) truth, except that it is found in their statements with a more concise wording and a shorter expression. There is not to be found in the statements of those who came after them (any) falsehood, except that there is in their statements that which clarifies its falsity, for the one who understands and contemplates [i.e. the one who understands the statements of the Salaf]. There are wonderful meanings found in their statements and precise observations, which those who came after them were neither guided to nor knew about it. The one who does not take knowledge from their statements will miss all that goodness, alongside the numerous (affairs) of falsehood he will fall into due to following those who came after them [i.e. those who came after the Salaf].

[Source: (Fadl Ilm As-Salaf Alaa Ilm Al-Khalaf’ page 61 by Imaam Ibn Rajab). abridged and slightly paraphrased]

The Fundamental Principles of The Deen Revolve Around Three Ahaadeeth

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Imaam as-Sa’di [rahimahullaah] said that Imaam Ahmad [rahimahullaah] said: ”The Usool [Fundamental Principles of Islaam] revolves around three ahaadeeth:

1.”The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear…”
2. ”Indeed, actions are judged by intentions…”
3. ”Whoever performs an action that is not from our affair [i.e. the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah] will have it rejected…”

Deeds either fall under commandments or prohibitions.  The first hadeeth- [The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear] – is about unlawful actions. As for the second hadeeth– [Indeed, actions are judged by intention] – then commandments are either related to one’s intention and the aspiration of the heart, or the apparent physical actions, and thirdly these actions [i.e. acts of worship] are legislated in conformity with the Sunnah.

[Source: Tareequl Wusool Ilal Ilmul Mamool Bi-Marifatil Qawaa-id Wad-dawaabit Wal-Usool’ Page 23. Slightly paraphrased]

Salaf- A Glimpse of How They Critically Examined Themselves – [A supplication of Muttarrif Bin Abdillaah]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Sufyaan Ibnu Uyaynah [rahimahullaah] said that Muttarrif Bin Abdillaah [rahimahullaah] used to supplicate:

O Allaah! I seek your forgiveness concerning that which I return to after repenting from it; and I seek your forgiveness concerning that which I make binding upon myself to perform for you, but fail to do so; and I seek your forgiveness concerning that which I claim to perform seeking your face, but then what I do is mixed with something else in my heart.

[Jaami-ul Uloom Wal-Hikam: page:24]

Knowledge Should Keep You Away From Foolishness!

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Imaam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah (rahimahullaah) said: If my morning is like that of the foolish and my night like that of the ignorant, then what will I do with the knowledge I have written?’’ [Source: Akhlaaq Al-Ulamaa’ page 44’ by Imaam Al-Aajurree (rahimahullaah)]



Salah At-Tawbah

One Can Never Follow The Example of Prophet More Than The Sahaabah, So Why Not Suffice With What Sufficed Them?!

Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [ahimahullaah] said:

Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Ali and all those who were foremost to embrace Islaam of the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar used to depart from Madeenah to Makkah to perform Hajj and Umrah, and as travellers; but it is not stated that a single one of them strove to pray at [any particular] spots in which the Prophet [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] prayed.  And it is well known that if this [practice] was something they considered recommended, they would have been more worthy to precede in it; because they were more knowledgeable about his Sunnah and followed it more than others.

[Source: Iqtidaa Siraat Al-Mustaqeem 2/748]

A Brief and Tremendous Admonition Related to Self-Rectification Given By Khaalid Bin Safwaan to Umar Ibn Abdil Azeez


Ibraaheem Ibn Adham (rahimahullaah) said: It has reached me that Umar Ibn Abdil Azeez (rahimahullaah) said to Khaalid Ibn Safwaan (rahimahullaah), ”Admonish me and be brief”; so Khaalid said, ‘O Leader of the believers! Indeed there are a people who have been deceived by Allaah’s concealment of (their sins, blameworthy affairs, shortcomings etc) and are put to trial by the good praise (received from the people), so let not the ignorance of others about your (real state of affairs) prevail over what you know about yourself.  May Allaah protect us and you from becoming deceived by Allaah’s concealment of (our real state of affairs), being delayed and negligent in that which Allaah has obligated and inclining towards desires.’  Ibraaheem said, ‘So he (Umar) wept and then said, ”May Allaah protect us and you from following desires.”

[Hilyatul Awliyaa 8/18]

Beneficial Intellect; Sincerity and Rectification of the heart- By Ahmad Ibn Aasim Al-Antaakee

Ahmad Ibn Aasim Al-Antaakee (rahimahullaah) lived in the generation of Bishr Ibn Al-Haarith (rahimahullaah); Ali Ibn Abdir-Rahmaan (rahimahullaah) said that Ahmad Ibn Aasim Al-Antaakee (rahimahullaah) said: The most beneficial intellect is (the one) that makes you acknowledge the blessings of Allaah and assists you in being thankful (i.e. by using those blessings to obey Allaah) and to be in opposition to (forbidden) desires.

He (rahimahullaah) was asked about sincerity, so he said: (It is) the performance of righteous deeds, whilst not wishing to be mentioned and exalted due to your deed, and not seeking a reward through your deed from anyone (besides Allaah).  This is sincerity.

He (rahimahullaah) also said: If you are seeking rectification for your heart, then seek aid through that by restraining your tongue (i.e. restrain your tongue from evil speech, falsehood, the affairs that do not concern you etc).

[Source: Seerah As-Salaf As-Saaliheen of Imaam Ismaa’eel Ibn Muhammad Al-Asbahaanee (rahimahullaah); section: Those who followed the Taabi-een in goodness. Maktabah Shaamila]