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The Term ‘Islamic Philosopher’ – Myth or Fact?

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Shaikh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaami [rahimahullaah] said:

This term is blindly utilised, therefore do not be deceived by it.  If you hear the term Islamic Philosopher, then know that there is no such thing as Islamic Philosopher. The well-known Raazi [rahimahullaah] was a doctor, but all of them [i.e. him and those like him] were not saved from Philosophy. However, he is not regarded to be from the senior Philosophers, rather he is regarded to be from the scholars of Ilmul Kalaam [i.e. those who sought to establish the Islamic creed based on logical and intellectual arguments and not simply restricting themselves to the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the understanding of the companions] who expressed regret at the end of his life. And even though his repentance is not explicit, however he was from those who expressed regret and regret is a type of repentance.

Source: Sharh Tajreed At-Tawheed Al-Mufeed: cassette 1

manhaj, protection, scholars