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Author: Amjad Khan

What should I do? I did not complete the Final Tasha-hud…[Imaam Bin Baaz]


It is well known that the Final Tasha-hud is a pillar from the pillars of prayer; and in one of the prayers I did not complete except a little bit of the Tasha-hud, so should I repeat my prayer?


It is upon you to complete the Tasha-hud, even if you missed some (of it whilst praying with) your Imaam (i.e. the one leading you in Salaah); because according to the most correct saying (or view) of the scholars the Final Tasha-hud is a pillar (of the prayer), and there is the Salutation upon the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) in it. Therefore, it is obligatory to complete it even after the Imaam’s Salaam (i.e. after he finishes the prayer). And from it (i.e. the Tasha-hud) is seeking Allaah’s protection from the Hell fire, the punishment of the grave and from the trials of life and death, and from the trial of the Dajjaaj; because the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) commanded with seeking (Allaah’s) protection from these four (things) in the Final Tasha-hud, and that is because some of the people of knowledge consider that to be an obligation.

والله ولي التوفيق



The 3 types of oppression – Imam As Sadi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

An excerpt from Imam Sadi’s Sharh of the hadeeth:

“اتقوا الظلم فإن الظلم ظلمات يوم “القيامة

Fear oppression, for indeed oppression is darkness on yawmul qiyaamah.
Agreed upon
The shaykh says at the end of his sharh that there are three types of oppression:

1, A type that Allah does not forgive, and it is associating partners with Allah

“Indeed Allah does not forgive those who associate partners with him” An-Nisa; Verse 48

2. A type of oppression that Allah does not leave anything from it; and it is the oppression of the slaves one to another. So from the perfection of Allah’s justice is that he will punish the creation, in accordance to their oppressing each other.

3. A type of oppression which is under the will of Allah; if Allah wills he will punish him, and if he wills he will forgive its people, and (this oppression) is the sins which are between the slaves and his Lord, regarding that which is lesser than shirk.

From imam sadi’s book:

شرح جوامع الأخبار

Pages 44-45

Misconception: Muslims hate Jesus

Many non-Muslims are surprised to find out that according to Muslim belief, Jesus, the son of Mary, is one of the greatest messengers of God. Muslims are taught to love Jesus, and a person cannot be a Muslim without believing in the virgin birth and miracles of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Muslims believe these things about Jesus not because of the Bible or any other religion, but simply because the Holy Qur’an says these things about him. However, Muslims always emphasize that the miracles of Jesus, and all other prophets, were by “God’s permission”.

This having been said, many Christians feel to not believe that Jesus is the “Son of God”, “God Incarnate” or the “Third Person” of the Trinity. This is because the Qur’an clearly says that Almighty God does not have a “Son” — neither allegorically, physically, metaphorically or metaphysically. The Pure Monotheism of Islam rejects the notion of “defining” God (which is basically what the “Doctrine of the Trinity” does), saying that someone is “like” God or equal to him, or praying to someone else besides God. Also, Islam teaches that titles such as “Lord” and “Savior” are due to God alone.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, it should be clarified that when Muslims criticize the Bible or the teachings of Christianity, they are not attacking “God’s Word” or Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. From the Muslim point of view, they are defending Jesus and God’s Word –which they have in the form of the Qur’an. Muslim criticism is targeted at writings that some people claim are God’s word, but Muslim’s simply don’t accept their claim that they are really God’s word in to.

Additionally, Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Atonement are criticized by Muslims precisely because they did not originate from Jesus, peace be upon him. In this way, Muslims are the true followers of Jesus, peace be upon him, because they defend him from the exaggerations of the Christians and teach the Pure Monotheism that Jesus himself followed.

[Source: Article ID : MSC010007]

They (i.e. the people of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance) attributed Deficiencies to Allaah…..

Imaam Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) said:

”They (i.e. the people of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance) attributed Deficiencies to Allaah…..

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan (Hafidha-hullaah) explained the above, saying:

Deficiency is opposite to Perfection.  Attributing deficiencies to Allaah (Glorified Be He) is a violation of His Lordship, and that is (case) when a son is attributed to Him because the father is in need of a son and is like him.

The Jews said that Ezra (alayhis-salaam) is Allaah’s son and the Christians said that The Messiah (alayhis-salaam) is Allaah’s son; and the Pagan Arabs said that The Angels are Allaah’s daughters; while, (on the other hand) the Christians declare their Monks free from having wives and sons; because (attributing this to the Monks) is a diminution of their rights.  So these (Christians) do not declare Allaah free from that which they free their Monks.

Likewise, the Arabs hated having daughters, while (on the other hand) they attributed that to Allaah.  So they attributed to Allaah what they hated for themselves and considered to be a disgrace and deficiency.  Allaah said:

 وَيَجۡعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ ٱلۡبَنَـٰتِ سُبۡحَـٰنَهُ ۥ‌ۙ وَلَهُم مَّا يَشۡتَہُونَ

”And they assign daughters unto Allaah! Glorified and Exalted) is He above all that they associate with Him! And unto themselves what they desire’’ (16:57).

Allaah (The Most High) said:

وَيَجۡعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ مَا يَكۡرَهُونَ وَتَصِفُ

”They assign to Allaah that which they dislike (for themselves)” (16:62)

A Muslim Scholar went on a mission to one of the kings of Rome, so when he entered upon (the King) he said to him, ”How is the wife and the children? Thus, those who were present became angry because how can (this Muslim Scholar) describe their leader as having a wife and children!  So (the Muslim Scholar) said to them, ‘you (people) free your leader from having a wife and a son, whilst (on the other hand) you attribute that to Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic) and you do not declare Him free from that!  So he silenced them and debated with them, and greatly embarrassed them.


[Source: ‘Sharh Masaa’il Al-Jaahiliyyah’ by Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan.  (Page: 150-151)]

Patience at the time of calamities

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Shaykh Fawzaan was asked how to be firm with calamities and how to be pleased with the predestination and decree of Allah in light of the prophetic guidance, the Shaykh – may Allah preserve him – answered:

Obligatory upon the Muslim at the befalling of calamities is patience and seeking the reward from Allah and supplication, due to HIS statement – The Most High – {give glad tidings to the patient ones. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.”} (1) And also obligatory is restricting the tongue from complaining, wailing and moaning from what has come to pass of predestination and decree. So it is upon the Muslim to be patient and that he says: “Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.O Allah take me out of my plight and bring to me after it something better.” (2) This is what has been reported for the one stricken with calamity to say at the occurrence of the calamity. (1) Al-Baqarah Verses 155-156 (2) Muslim 2/632

Reminder: ”Seize The Benefit Of Five Things From The People Of Your Time

Ibn Abee Haatim(.328H) Rahimahullaah said:

”I entered Damascus and came upon the students of hadeeth, and I passed by the circle of Qaasim al Joo’ee(d.248 AH). I found a  group sitting around him and he was speaking. Their appearance amazed me; and I heard him saying:

”Seize The Benefit Of Five Things From The People Of Your Time:

When you are present, you are not known;

When you are absent you are not missed;

When you are seen, your advice is not sought;

When you say something, your saying is not accepted;

And when you have some knowledge, you are not given anything for it.

I Also Advise You With Five Matters:

When you are treated unjustly, do not behave unjustly;

When you are praised, do not become happy;

When you are criticised, do not become upset;

When you are not believed, do not become angry;

And if people act deceitfully towards you, do not act deceitfully towards them.”

Ibn Abee Haatim said: ”So I took that as my benefit from Damascus.”

Related by Ibn al Jawzee in Sifatus-safwah(2/200)

لَمْ نَرَ لِلْمُتَحَابَّيْنِ مِثْلَ النِّكَاحِ

The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: [لَمْ نَرَ لِلْمُتَحَابَّيْنِ مِثْلَ النِّكَاحِ]  ‘There is nothing like marriage, for two who love one another.” [Reported by Imaam Ibn Maajah 2/153. Hadeeth Number: 1847. Declared Authentic by Imaam Albaanee in As-Saheehah 2/196]


May Allaah increase the love and compassion between the husbands and the wives upon obedience to Allaah and His Messenger. Aameen.

Haughtiness and supporting error—Imaam Ibn Battah

Imaam Ibn Battah (rahimahullaah) said:

Whoever heard the truth and rejects it after having knowledge of it, then he is from those who are haughty towards Allaah. And whoever supports error, then he is from the party of shaytaan. [Al-Ibaanah: 2/54]


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