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Question to Shaikh Fawzaan: What is the ruling on the one who defends a person of innovation and says…..

Question to Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) What is the ruling on the one who defends a person of innovation and says: ‘(This person) has good deeds and has given service to Islaam in such’, since this has become widespread amongst some of the callers.  What is the ruling on this? Answer: We clarify […]

A trait Adopted by Some of The People in Our Era from the Pre-Islamic People of Ignorance

Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab stated in Masaa’ilil Jaahiliyyah: They (People of the Era of Pre-Islamic Ignorance) accused the People of the Religion of having little understanding and Poor Memory.  They utilized the argument to determine the falsity of a religion-that the people who followed it had little understanding and poor memory, as Allaah stated that […]

Preservation of the Shariah by standing firm against Bidah and the Mubtadi’ah! By Shaikh Abdullaah al-Bukhaari

Shaikh Abdullaah Al-Bukhaari (may Allaah preserve him) says: And from the greatest of affairs in preserving and upholding this Shariah, is to stand firm with knowledge and justice against bidah and the innovators–utilising the paths of the Shariah to oppose their transgressions; repel their plots; manifest the signpost of (sound) allegiance and enmity (for the […]

It is obligated on the scholars to clarify the reality- Imaam Bin Baaz

 Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: It is obligated on the scholars to clarify the reality. They should debate every group and give advice to all, so that they can traverse upon the path Allaah has ordained for His slaves, and the path which His Messenger Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) called to. And whoever oversteps this […]

[2] Verdicts of the Scholars against At-Tahazzub (Illegal Partisanship)- Shaikh Uthaymeen

Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) said: There is nothing in the Book or the Sunnah that allows different groups and parties; rather that has been censured in the Book and the Sunnah. Allaah (The Most High) said: فَتَقَطَّعُوٓاْ أَمۡرَهُم بَيۡنَہُمۡ زُبُرً۬ا‌ۖ كُلُّ حِزۡبِۭ بِمَا لَدَيۡہِمۡ فَرِحُونَ ”But they (men) have broken their religion among […]

[1] Verdicts of the Scholars against At-Tahazzub (Illegal Partisanship)- Imaam Albaani

Imaam Albaani (rahimahullaah) said: It is not hidden from every Muslim who is acquainted with the Book, the Sunnah and that which our Salaf were upon, that the Tahazzub (Illegal partisanship) and gathering within the groups that carry different views or different methods (of Dawah) has nothing to do with Islaam; rather in many Aayaat […]

Ibn Umar (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) warned a friend of his about deviation! A Reminder to those who deliberately befriend the obstinate people of bidah

It was narrated that Nafi’ said: “Ibn ‘Umar had a friend among the people of Ash-Sham, with whom he used to correspond. ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Umar wrote to him saying: ‘I have heard that you are speaking about some matter of Al-Qadar (the Divine Decree). So do not write to me, for I heard the Messenger […]

The Foundations of Bidah are four- By Abdullaah Ibnul Mubaarak

Abdullaah Ibnul Mubaarak (rahimahullaah) said: The foundations of bidah are four: The Rawaafid The Khawaarij The Qadariyyah The Murji’ah ————————————————- [Source: Majmoo Al-Fataawaa 3/350]      

Yasir Qadhi [21st Century Hasan al-Banna: Ecumenical Christianity as a Model for 21st Century Islam

We ask Allaah (The Most High) to reward Ustaadh Amjad Rafiq with good in this life and the next. Aameen. After reading this series of refutations, one realizes the deceit of this deviant ikhwaani. Part 1 Part 2 (Part 3)]: Gross, Evil Revilement of Umar bin al-Khattaab (ra). Parts 1-4 out of […]

Shame on The Silent Human devils (Obstinate Hizbiyyoon)-Those who promote Yasir Qadhi [The Speaking Human Devil, who utters Vile Speech against Ameerul Mumineen Umar Ibnul Khattaab (radiyallaahu-anhu)

Ali Ibn Shaqeeq (rahimahullaah) said: I heard Abdullaah Ibnul Mubaarak (rahimahullaah) saying in the midst of the people: Leave the narrations of the Amr Bin Thaabit because he used to revile the Salaf (i.e. the pious predecessors).” [Muslim 1/16] Shaikh Jamaal Bin Fareehaan (may Allaah preserve him) said: How about if Ibnul Mubaarak (rahimahullaah) was to […]