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Reminder: The Salafee Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, and Hijackings

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[1] Observations of the Scholars on the Haddaadiyyah

See link: To be continued…..  

Al-Allaamah Muqbil Bin Haadi on Yusuf Al-Qaradaawi

Al-Allaamah Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-Waadi-ee (rahimahullaah) said: Some of the Hizbiyyoon (illegal partisans) will say: ”A scholar amongst the scholars and you call him a barking dog! This is great O Abaa AbdirRahmaan! A scholar amongst the scholars! The Mufti of Qatar!” Listen to Allaah’s statement: وَٱتۡلُ عَلَيۡهِمۡ نَبَأَ ٱلَّذِىٓ ءَاتَيۡنَـٰهُ ءَايَـٰتِنَا فَٱنسَلَخَ مِنۡهَا فَأَتۡبَعَهُ […]

Globalized Versions of Islaam—A satanic fabrication and fraudulent claim of a [secularist-atheist] human devil

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy  —————————————————————————————————————————————- لكل قوم وارث، ولكل أرض حارث For every people there is an inheritor and for every land there is a cultivator  ——————————————————————————————————–——————————— Indeed, the hostile enemies of Allaah and His Final Messenger always seek to confound truth with falsehood through beautified and […]

The party of satan’s belief in the festivals of falsehood [raafidah shia]

They have a festival on the 18th of Dhul Hijja, which they consider to be more virtues than Eedul Adhaa and Eedul Fitr. They call this festival Eedul Kabeer and it is the festival of Ghadeer Khum. They make fasting on this this day an highly recommended and emphasized Sunnah. They also exalt the festival […]

[1] Protests and Demonstrations are satanic innovations–by Shaikh Zaid Bin Haadi (rahimahullaah)

Al-Allaamah Zayd Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali (rahimahullaah) said: Protests/Demonstrations are newly invented matters in the religion, and every newly invented matter in the religion is a bidah, and every bidah is misguidance, and every misguidance is in the hell fire (i.e. is a path leading to the hell fire). That is because Allaah’s legislation is perfect […]

Advice to Ahlus-Sunnah in Nigeria and Warning Against Boko Haram–Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee

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They do not desire good advice for the Muslims


Advice to the one who speaks ill of the people of knowledge—Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan


Parts 1 & 2: Beneficial points extracted from Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool’s Criticism against Saalim At-Taweel

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