Update: Provisional time table [Lessons for brothers and sisters @ Masjid Al-Furqaan (stoke)]
Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullaah;
Pray all the brothers and sisters are upon good.
We are pleased to inform the brothers and sisters that Arabic Lessons [Madeenah Book 1] will be taught at Masjid Al-Furqaan starting on Friday 21st November 2014. Lesson will begin at 6pm, but time may change next week. Bring your note pads, pens and pencils.
Other lessons:
[1] Qur’aan School for children: [4pm -6pm (Monday to Friday)]
[2] Islamic studies lessons for children: [Fridays 5:20pm -5:55]
Ongoing Topics : Islaam, Imaan and Ihsaan; Stories of the Prophets (by Imaam Sadi); Stories of the righteous people (The Khulafaa Ar-Raashideen, the rest of the Sahaabah and the righteous people based on authentic sources)
[3] Lessons for Adults: Mondays after Ishaa 6:30pm
*A small risaalah on the Conditions, pillars, obligations and nullifiers of wudu
*The misconceptions about the four Imaams and blameworthy Taqleed
Note: A small risaalah on creed will be started soon. We are just waiting for the teacher from Birmingham to select the suitable risaalah for the community In-Shaa-Allaah.
In addition to this we strive to make sure that the Juma khutbah is focussed on a particular series in order that the common Muslims may acquire some understanding in the affairs of basic creed, worship, manhaj, dealings, purification of the soul etc Juma khutbah starts at 12:45 at present. At present the series is on Ibaadah (worship)
We ask the brothers and sisters to exercise patience. In-Shaa-Allaah we’ll soon have regular and more lessons in the Masjid.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran