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A Glimpse into the Excellence of the Knowledge of the Salaf- by Imaam Ibn Rajab

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

Imaam Ibn Rajab [rahimahullaah] said about the Salaf:

There is not to be found in the statements of those who came after the Salaf (any) truth, except that it is found in their statements with a more concise wording and a shorter expression. There is not to be found in the statements of those who came after them (any) falsehood, except that there is in their statements that which clarifies its falsity, for the one who understands and contemplates [i.e. the one who understands the statements of the Salaf]. There are wonderful meanings found in their statements and precise observations, which those who came after them were neither guided to nor knew about it. The one who does not take knowledge from their statements will miss all that goodness, alongside the numerous (affairs) of falsehood he will fall into due to following those who came after them [i.e. those who came after the Salaf].

[Source: (Fadl Ilm As-Salaf Alaa Ilm Al-Khalaf’ page 61 by Imaam Ibn Rajab). abridged and slightly paraphrased]
