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Our Salaf: Yunus Ibn Ubayd–I am amazed by three statements!

Yoonus Ibn Ubayd) [rahimahullaah] said: I am amazed by three statements! I am amazed by a statement of Muwarraq Al-Ajali, who said: ”I never said anything during anger, which I regretted during times of happiness.”

I am amazed by a statement of Muhammad Ibn Seereen, who said: ”I do not envy anyone for some worldly thing; for if he is going to be amongst the people of paradise, then how can I envy him for something of the worldly life, whilst he is destined for Paradise?! And if he is going to be amongst the people of the hell fire, then how can I envy him for something of the worldly life, whilst he is destined for the Hellfire?!”

And I am amazed by a statement of Hassaan Bin Abee Sinaan, who said: ”There is nothing easier for me than Wara (i.e. apprehensive fear); for if something is doubtful to me I leave it.”

See following sources:

(الزهد الكبير  Number: 845 )

(الحلية 3/23)

(وروضة العقلاء)[ page: 134]
