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Our Salaf: Even Though They Had More Right to be Asked, They Were Very Careful!

Abu Khaythama narrated to us, (saying): Mu-aawiyyah Ibn Amr related to us, (saying): Zaa’idah related to us from Al-A’mash from Maalik Ibnul Haarith from Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Yazeed who said: It was said to Alqama: Why not sit in the masjid so that (the people) gather around you, ask you (questions) and we sit with you. Indeed, they ask those below you (in knowledge). He (Abdur-Rahmaan) said: So Alqamah said, ”Indeed, I hate that (they) march behind me, saying: This is Alqamah; This is Alqamah!”

[Source: Kitaabul Ilm of Abu Khaythma with the checking of Imaam Al Albaanee: page: 10. Number 24]

Salaf, scholars