Severe Warning to Those Who Mock and Look Down On Others They Consider to Be of Inferior Lineage
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
The Messenger (sallal-laahu-aalayhi-wasallam) said:
Whoever is held back by his deeds, his (nobility) of lineage will not push him forward.(1)
Imaam Nawawi (rahimahullaah) said, ”Its meaning is that the one whose deeds are deficient and he does not catch up with the performers of (good) deeds, then it is obligatory upon him not to crown himself with nobility of lineage and the virtues of his forefathers, whilst he is lagging behind in (performing good) deeds.”(2)
Ubay bin ka’b (radiyallaahu-anhu) said: Two men (mentioned their) lineages during the lifetime of Allaah’s Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam); one of them said (to the other): ‘’I am Fulaan the son of Fulaan (i.e. mentioning his name and that of his parents, grandparents etc.), so who are you (with) no mother? (i.e. rebuking him). So Allaah’s Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: “Two men (mentioned their) lineages during the lifetime of Moosaa (alayhis-salaam); one of them said (to the other): “I am Fulaan son of Fulaan, until he counted nine (people from his lineage), so who are you (with) no mother” (i.e. rebuking the other). He (the other person) said: “I am Fulaan the son of Fulaan the son of Islaam.” So Allaah revealed to Moosaa (alayhis-salaam): ‘’Indeed those two who (mentioned their) lineages, as for you ascribed or attributed to nine, (they) are in the hell fire and you are the tenth amongst them. And as for you ascribed or attributed to two, (they) are in paradise and you are the third of them.” (3)
(1) [Saheeh Muslim…part of hadeeth in (The Book Pertaining to the Remembrance of Allah, Supplication, Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness)]
(2) [Sharh Saheeh Muslim: Hadeeth Number 2699; Vol 17, page 18]
(3) [Reported by Imaam Ahmad 5/128 and declared authentic by Imaam Al Albaani in As-Saheehah 1270]