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[1] Source of Tranquillity and Victory After Fear And Weakness – By Imaam Ash-Shanqeetee And Al-Allaamah Saaleh Al-Fawzaan

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Imaam Shanqeetee [rahimahullaah] stated:

The Great Qur’aan has given guidance to put a stop to this problem through the most appropriate and upright path. Allaah clarified that the remedy for this is linked to turning to Him truthfully, the level of one’s belief in Him and reliance on Him. That is because Allaah is All-Strong and All-Mighty, the Overwhelming and Absolute Subduer of everything, Who is never overcome; therefore, whoever is truly an ally of Allaah, it is not possible to gain the upper hand over such a person.

And from the clear proofs regarding this [affair] was when the unbelievers laid that great siege against the Muslims during the battle of the Confederates about which Allaah stated:

إِذۡ جَآءُوكُم مِّن فَوۡقِكُمۡ وَمِنۡ أَسۡفَلَ مِنكُمۡ وَإِذۡ زَاغَتِ ٱلۡأَبۡصَـٰرُ وَبَلَغَتِ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ ٱلۡحَنَاجِرَ وَتَظُنُّونَ بِٱللَّهِ ٱلظُّنُونَا۟

هُنَالِكَ ٱبۡتُلِىَ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنُونَ وَزُلۡزِلُواْ زِلۡزَالاً۬ شَدِيدً۬ا

When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harbouring doubts about Allah. There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking.

Therefore, the remedy for this is what we have already mentioned [i.e. Imaan, turning to Allaah and reliance on Him]. Look at the severity of this military siege and its severe effects on the Muslims, in addition to the fact that they were politically and economically cut off by all the people of the earth at that time! So, when you are aware of this, you should know that the remedy for this great affair that put an end to this great difficulty is what Allaah stated in Soorah Al-Ahzaab, as follows: [وَلَمَّا رَءَا ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنُو نَ ٱلۡأَحۡزَابَ قَالُواْ هَـٰذَا مَا وَعَدَنَا ٱللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ ۥ وَصَدَقَ ٱللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ ۥ‌ۚ وَمَا زَادَهُمۡ إِلَّآ إِيمَـٰنً۬ا وَتَسۡلِيمً۬ا – And when the believers saw Al-Ahzab (the Confederates), they said: “This is what Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) had spoken the truth, and it only added to their faith and to their submissiveness (to Allah).

This perfect Imaan in Allaah; [this] Great Submission to Him; [this] dependence and reliance on Him was the reason that put an end to that great difficulty. And indeed Allaah clarified the fruits of this remedy, saying:

[وَرَدَّ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِغَيۡظِهِمۡ لَمۡ يَنَالُواْ خَيۡرً۬ا‌ۚ وَكَفَى ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ ٱلۡقِتَالَ‌ۚ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ قَوِيًّا عَزِيزً۬ا ]

[وَأَنزَلَ ٱلَّذِينَ ظَـٰهَرُوهُم مِّنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ مِن صَيَاصِيهِمۡ وَقَذَفَ فِى قُلُوبِهِمُ ٱلرُّعۡبَ فَرِيقً۬ا تَقۡتُلُونَ وَتَأۡسِرُونَ فَرِيقً۬ا ]

[وَأَوۡرَثَكُمۡ أَرۡضَہُمۡ وَدِيَـٰرَهُمۡ وَأَمۡوَٲلَهُمۡ وَأَرۡضً۬ا لَّمۡ تَطَـُٔوهَا‌ۚ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ ڪُلِّ شَىۡءٍ۬ قَدِيرً۬ا ]

And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in their rage; they gained no advantage (booty, etc.). Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And Allah is Ever All-Strong, All-Mighty. And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them [the disbelievers] Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives. And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches, and a land which you had not trodden (before). And Allah is Able to do all things.

This is what Allaah aided them with against their enemies. They had no idea nor were they aware that they were aided with the angels and the wind. Allaah [The Most High] said:

[يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱذۡكُرُواْ نِعۡمَةَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيۡكُمۡ إِذۡ جَآءَتۡكُمۡ جُنُودٌ۬ فَأَرۡسَلۡنَا عَلَيۡہِمۡ رِيحً۬ا وَجُنُودً۬ا لَّمۡ تَرَوۡهَا‌ۚ وَڪَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ بَصِيرًا ]

O you who believe! Remember Allah’s Favour to you, when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a wind and forces that you saw not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of Al-Ahzab (the Confederates)]. And Allah is Ever All-Seer of what you do. [End of Quote: Ref 1]

King Abdul Azeez (rahimahullaah) stated:

Indeed, we do not seek after the revival (or reformation) that will deprive us of our (sound) religion and creed; rather we seek after the pleasure of Allaah [The Mighty and Majestic]. Whoever acts to seek the pleasure of Allaah, then indeed Allaah will suffice him and will be his Helper.

The Muslims are not in need due to lack of reformation, rather they are in need of returning to that which the Salafus Saaleh [pious predecessors] were upon. Indeed, they distanced (themselves) from acting on that which has been revealed in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger, then they became immersed in evil and sins; so Allaah forsook them and thus they got to this situation – humiliation and degradation. Had they adhered to the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger, they would not have been afflicted with what has afflicted them – trials and sins- and they would not have lost their honour and (days of) glory. [End of Quote, Ref 2]

NB: We remind ourselves of the fact that king Abdul Azeez (rahimahullaah) is pointing out the reason behind the weakness of the Ummah, but his observations neither calls for pessimism nor hopelessness and despair, rather it is a clarification of the main reason that led us to this state of affairs. However, guidance will remain until the hour is established, as Shaikh Saaleh

Al-Fawzaan [may Allaah preserve him] said:

[A person] should not lose hope when trials and evil increases. Indeed, he has to remain upon tranquillity and should make others tranquil when trials occur, and he should say: ‘’All Praise is due to Allaah, we are upon guidance and a clear Religion. Solace is close by and evil will cease to exist by the permission of Allaah’’ This is what is incumbent upon THE PEOPLE OF GOOD AND THE SCHOLARS–that they have tranquility and make the people tranquil; because this (EVIL) is something that will cease to exist by the permission of Allaah and solace will come after it.

It is not permissible for a person to say: ‘’the people are destroyed.’’ This is not permissible; rather (a person) should make the people tranquil, firm upon goodness, whilst expecting assistance, for indeed the good end is for the people of piety. Therefore, no matter how great the evil and trial is, it will cease to exist. He (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: ‘’A group of my followers will remain manifest upon the truth. They will neither be harmed by those who forsake them nor by those who oppose them till Allaah’s command arrives.” [i.e. the day of judgement] [Bukhari and Muslim]

Therefore, Islaam will not cease to continue and all praise be to Allaah. The Religion and the Qur’aan will not cease to exist until that appointed time which the prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has informed us of – that at the end of time the Qur’aan will be taken away from the hearts of men and from the masaahif (i.e. the copies of the Qur’aan); but this will be at the time of the destruction of the world.  (However) good will continue to exist whilst the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Qiblah are present, even though there is one who is led away from it and becomes misguided; and even though there is one who deviates from it and becomes deviated, as the saying goes: ‘’Fitnah has its victims’’. It takes away the one who goes with it; but the people of Eemaan will remain even if they are small in number. Even if there is one who goes along with the Fitnah, and the one who goes astray and the one who comes along with it, (still) the truth and its people will remain and all praise be to Allaah. The truth is present, as Allaah (The Exalted and Most High) said:[إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ  – Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption) 15:9]

A person should not lose hope nor should he despair. He should not make the people lose hope of a return to goodness. He should not make the people lose hope regarding (the fact) that truth will prevail and falsehood will be repelled because Allaah (Glorified and Exalted Be He) has made that promise and He does not fail to fulfill His promise. Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: ‘’The Religion is aided when put to the test; therefore do not be amazed for this is the way of Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Merciful). [Ref 3]


[Ref 1: Source: An Excerpt from ‘Adwaa Al-Bayaan Vol 3. pages 301-302’. slightly paraphrased]. NB: The above victory given to the Sahaabah was not acquired through the methodologies of the khawaarij (ISIS, Nusrah Front, Al-Qaa-idah) These people as you all know are murderers upon a deviant creed and methodology.  The upright scholars in the Muslim lands and the Salafi students of knowledge in the West have clarified the innovated methodologies of these khawaarij Renegades:

[Ref 2: An Excerpt from ‘Haqeeqah Manhaj Al-Mamlakah Al-Arabiyyah As-Su’oodiyyah’ page 33. slightly paraphrased]

[Ref3: An Excerpt from Explanation of The hadeeth of Hudhaifah Bin Al-Yamaan. Page 6]

ibaadah, pearls of wisdom, protection, Qur'aan, Salaf, scholars, softening the hearts, tawheed, worship