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[4] Beware of Goldie [Abu Usama (The Man of Bidah)] and Suffice yourself with this Lecture by Ustaadh Abu Iyaad Titled:The Difference Between Ahlus Sunnah and The Innovators In Being Grateful To Allaah

Link: The Difference Between Ahlus Sunnah & The Innovators In Being Grateful To Allaah by Abu Iyaad This lecture was delivered at Markaz Mu-aadh [Slough (May Allaah protect them. Aameen)]

How Does Ahlus Sunnah Deal With The Khawaarij [Bloodthirsty Terrorists-Dogs of The Hell Fire] If They Transgress–Imaam Barbahaari clarifies

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) stated in Sharh- As Sunnah: ‘It is permissible to fight the Khawaarij if they attack the wealth of the Muslims, or the Muslims and their families, but if they are dispersed, then the Muslim Ruler is not to seek after them, nor are their wounded to be killed, nor is booty taken […]

How can Shaikh say that such and such is deviated, whilst he opposes the Soofees etc- A statement of some of the Hizbiyyoon aimed at sheltering their deviant figureheads of Tamyee and Bidah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) said: ‘It is not permitted for a man to say, ‘So and so is a person of the Sunnah’ until he knows that he combines the characteristics of the Sunnah, so it is not said of him, ‘a person of the Sunnah’ until he combines all the Sunnah.'[1] […]

Obstinate Followers of Al-Maribi have a share of ‘Destructive Good Suspicion and Destructive Evil Suspicion’; so why would a Man of Sunnah abandon the People of Sunnah and sit with them?!

Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadee Al–Madkhalee (may Allaah preserve him) said: Destructive Good Suspicion is to have a good suspicion of the people of falsehood whether are they disbelievers, innovators or evil (open) sinners. And that which led the disbelievers to belie the Messengers, (harbouring) a severe disbelief in them and their message was due to […]

Hishaam Ibn Urwah: Do not question the people about what they have newly invented today, but question them…

كان هشام بن عروة يقول: لا تسألوا الناس اليوم عما أحدثوه فإنهم قد أعدوا له جوابا، ولكن سلوهم عن السنة فإنهم لا يعرفونها Hishaam Bin Urwah (rahimahullaah) used to say: ”Do not question the people about what they have newly invented today (i.e. bidah), for indeed they have prepared answers for it. But question them […]

An Excellent Article: [ISIS] Ibn Kathir: If The Khawarij Ever Gained Strength in Iraq & Syria, There Would Be Mass Killing

See Link

Our Salaf-No Salaam to Mubtadi’ah (Innovators)

Hammaad Bin Zayd (rahimahullaah) said: I was with Ayyoub, Yoonus and Ibn Awn, so Amr Ibn Bin Ubaid went past them and he used to be a Mutazili; he gave them Salaam and stopped, but they did not reply to him. ———————————————————– [Meezaan Al-Itidaal 3/274 of Imaam Dhahabi]

Manhaj in Pictures: Chronological History of Tamyee`: From Ismaa’eeliyyah to Ma’rib

  See Link

[2] Lets share these reminders and benefits from Shaikh Ramzaan Al-Haajiriy (may Allaah preserve him)

Shaikh Ramzaan (may Allaah preserve him) stated: *When the Scholars of Sunnah clarified the truth with its proofs, the haal (state of affairs) of the people of desires was exposed.   *When they urged towards adherence to the Jamaa-ah and the Sunnah, the haal (state of affairs) of the people of splitting and innovation became […]

Do not learn from Ahlul Bidah, even in affairs other than Aqeedah—Shaikh Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah)

Do not learn from ahlul bidah even in affairs other than Aqeedah—not even the Arabic language Do not go near Ahlul Bidah If you attend their lessons, a person may be deceived by you, saying: There is no harm in attending their lessons… Listen to audio here: