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[2] Lets share these reminders and benefits from Shaikh Ramzaan Al-Haajiriy (may Allaah preserve him)

Shaikh Ramzaan (may Allaah preserve him) stated:

*When the Scholars of Sunnah clarified the truth with its proofs, the haal (state of affairs) of the people of desires was exposed.


*When they urged towards adherence to the Jamaa-ah and the Sunnah, the haal (state of affairs) of the people of splitting and innovation became apparent.


*When they clarified the (true) state of Jihaad, the difference between it and corruption became apparent.


*When they clarified the state of affairs (regarding) bidah and its people, and the correct stance against them (i.e. the people of bidah), the Sunni and the Bid’ee became manifest to the people after what they (the people) have been living in for a long period of time, and after (a period in which) they used to equate the callers to bidah with the callers to the Sunnah.


[Asbaab Ihtiwaa Al-Khawaarij Li-Ba’di Abnaa-inaa. page 11]

bidah, blessings of having righteous scholars, callers to misguidance, protection, scholars