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We Must Strive to Purify Our Intentions at all Times, Refrain From Evil Speech and Rush to Repentance When We Sin

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Allaah (The Most High) said: وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ إِذْ يَتَلَقَّى الْمُتَلَقِّيَانِ عَنِ الْيَمِينِ وَعَنِ الشِّمَالِ قَعِيدٌ مَّا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ And indeed We have created man, and […]

Riches, Poverty, Scarcity and Abundance Are a Trial Through Which Allaah Makes Known Those Exercise Patience and Those Who Are Grateful

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Allaah [The Most High] said: فَأَمَّا الْإِنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَنَعَّمَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَكْرَمَنِ وَأَمَّا إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَهَانَنِ As for man, when his Lord tries him by giving him honour and gifts, then he says […]

How Can The Human Being Turn Away From Allaah?! [O Allaah! Include Us Amongst Those Who Constantly Remember You]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Allaah [The Most High] said: يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّٮٰكَ فَعَدَلَكَ فِي أَيِّ صُورَةٍ مَّا شَاءَ رَكَّبَكَ O man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous? Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave […]

One of The Reasons Behind An Ungrateful Servant’s Evil Behaviour

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Allaah [The Most High] said in Surah Al-Alaq Aayaat 6-7: كَلَّا إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَيَطْغَىٰ أَن رَّآهُ اسْتَغْنَىٰ إِنَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ الرُّجْعَىٰ Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds (in disbelief and evil deed, etc.). Because he considers himself self-sufficient. Reminders from the Above […]

Reflect Upon The Behaviour of An Ungrateful Servant – [O Allaah! Include Us Amongst Your Grateful Servants]

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Allaah [The Most High] said: وَإِذَا مَسَّ الْإِنسَانَ الضُّرُّ دَعَانَا لِجَنبِهِ أَوْ قَاعِدًا أَوْ قَائِمًا فَلَمَّا كَشَفْنَا عَنْهُ ضُرَّهُ مَرَّ كَأَن لَّمْ يَدْعُنَا إِلَىٰ ضُرٍّ مَّسَّهُ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِلْمُسْرِفِينَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down […]


It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and measured out its (their) stages, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for people who […]


O mankind! Remember the Grace of Allah upon you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turning away (from Him)? And if they belie you (O Muhammad), so were Messengers […]


Verily! Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they move away from their places, and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him. Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.


Whosoever desires honour, power and glory then to Allah belong all honour, power and glory [and one can get honour, power and glory only by obeying and worshipping Allah (Alone)]. To Him ascend (all) the goodly words, and the righteous deeds exalt it (the goodly words i.e. the goodly words are not accepted by Allah […]

Sharing a Benefit With Those Who Asked For Some of The Details of The Jumu’ah Khutbah On 01/01/17 -at Masjid Al-Furqaan- Titled: The Three Pillars of Servitude In Soorah Al-Faatihah

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Indeed, remembrance of Allaah and drawing close to Him through righteous deeds and statements cannot be accepted by Allaah unless the worshipper fulfils them based on three Pillars, and they are: Love, fear and hope.These three pillars are the pillars of servitude of the […]