[2] The Stance of the Salaf Towards Ahlul Bidah
Abu Qilaabah said: “Neither sit with the people of desires (i.e. people of bidah) nor argue with them, for indeed I do not feel secure that they will plunge you in their misguidance, or bewilder you regarding what (i.e. the truth) you already know.”
Salaam bin Abee Mutee said: A man from the people of bidah said to Ayyoub (i.e. Ayyoob As-Sakhtiyaanee): ‘O Abu- Bakr! Can I ask you about a word? [He (i.e. Salaam)] said: “So I saw him (i.e. Ayyoub) gesturing with his hand, whilst saying: ”’Not even half a word; not even half a word!”
[Al-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah 482]