Bigotry; Blameworthy love of the Dunyah; Envy and Pride are obstacles to accepting the truth
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
Al-Allaamah Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Yahyah Al-Mu-allimee (rahimahullaah) stated that the Religion comprises of various levels: Abstinence from the prohibited affairs and fulfilment of commandments; acknowledgment of truth, belief in it and awareness of it. And opposing one’s desires by refraining (from falsehood) for the sake of the truth is something very clear, for indeed most of what is prohibited are the lusts and (evil) pleasures. And it may be that a person does not really desire anything of those (prohibited) things in particular, but he merely desires them due to an opponent. Opposing one’s desires–by way of action– for the sake of the truth is a manifest affair due to what it necessitates of responsibility and difficulty, and this occurs from different angles:
Firstly: A person sees that by acknowledging the truth it would necessitate that he was upon falsehood, because a person is nurtured upon a religion, creed, school of thought or views which were inherited from his nurturer and teacher, and which he considers to be the truth; so when it is manifested that those affairs are falsehood, it becomes difficult for him to acknowledge that. This is because he sees that the deficiencies of his teacher or nurturer necessitate his own deficiencies, and an acknowledgement of their misguidance or errors necessitates his own deficiencies…..
Secondly: It may be that clinging to falsehood brings him prestige, fame and a livelihood, so it becomes difficult for him to acknowledge that he is upon falsehood, which may result in a loss of all those things (i.e. the fame, prestige, livelihood etc).
Thirdly: Pride: It may be that a person is upon ignorance or falsehood, so another person comes along and clarifies the proofs for him; but he sees that by acknowledging such proofs, it would necessitate that he is deficient and that it was such a person who guided him. And due to this we find that it is not difficult for some of those who attribute themselves to knowledge to acknowledge their mistakes when it becomes manifests to them in their researches and studies, but it becomes difficult upon them when others clarify such mistakes for them.
Fourthly: Envy: It may be that when another person clarifies the truth for him, he sees that by acknowledging such truth, it would necessitate an acknowledgement of the clarifier’s virtue, knowledge and correctness due to that clarification; so this may become great in the eyes of the people and they begin to follow him. So you will find some of those who attribute themselves to knowledge being eager to prove the mistakes of other scholars even if that is done by way of falsehood, due to envy and seeking to diminish their status amongst the people.
Opposing one’s desires for the sake of the truth in affairs of knowledge and creed can be difficult, so it requires research and contemplation. Also in facing such difficulty one is in need of asking the scholars and benefitting from them. So with regards to what has been stated about a person’s acknowledgement of the truth and the difficulty in doing so, he should cling to Taqwah, whilst seeking the Tawfeeq of Allaah and guidance. [1]
[1] [Slightly paraphrased and abridged…for further details, see: At-Tankeel Bimaa Fee Ta’need Al-Kawthariy Minal Baatil. Vol 2. Page: 180-181. with the checking of Imaam Albaanee (rahimahullaah)]
bigotry, blameworthy love of the dunyah, envy, obstacles to truth, pride, scholars