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Neighbours are three type and they have different rights

Question: The questioner asks: What are the rights of a neighbour?

Answer: The rights of a neighbour are great and many. Indeed many ahaadeeth have been narrated regarding the rights of a neighbour and among them is the hadeeth narrated by Abdullaah Ibn Umar (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: Jibreel did not cease advising me (about the rights) of a neighbour to the extent that I thought he (i.e. the neighbour) would be my inheritor. [Reported by Bukhari and Muslim]

Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu-anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: The one whose neighbour is not safe from his evil behaviour will not enter paradise. [Reported by Muslim]

Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu-anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: By Allah, he does not believe (i.e. he is not a perfect believer); by Allah, he does not believe (i.e. he is not a perfect believer); by Allah, he does not believe (i.e. he is not a perfect believer); It was said: Who O Messenger of Allah? He said: The one whose neighbour is not safe from his evil behaviour. [Reported by Bukhari]

And there are other Narrations that demonstrate the greatness of a neighbour’s rights

Neighbours are three types: The neighbour with three rights; the neighbour with two rights and the neighbour with one.

[1] The neighbour with three rights is the one who is a relative, so he has rights (over you) as a relative, as a Muslim brother (or sister) and the rights of a neighbour.

[2] The neighbour with two rights is a Muslim neighbour, so he has rights (over you) as a neighbour and as a Muslim (brother or sister).

[3] As for neighbour with one right, he (or she) is a non-Muslim neighbour and has the rights of a neighbour.

And Allaah knows best.


[Source: Fadaa’il Al A’maal pages 15-16’ by Shaikh Muhamad Bin Abdillaah As-Subayyil

