[2] A Notification to the Confused and Bewildered Caller to Brotherhood at [Markaz As-Sunnah (Stoke-On-Trent)]: Help Yourself Before You Help Others, Because You Are In Need of Sound Manhaj, Otherwise You Would Not Have Been Keeping the Company of The Friends of Those Who Befriend and Shelter Ahlul Bidah, Such As Ihya Turaath and Al-Maghrib Institue!
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
Ibn Awn (rahimahullaah) said:
من يجالس أهل البدع أشد علينا من أهل البدع
Those who sit with the people of innovation are more severe upon us than the people of innovation themselves.
[Al Ibaanah 2/273]
Therefore, we ask the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah to help himself -first and foremost-by learning the details of the Salafi Manhaj and remove himself from those who sit, praise, accompany and shelter ahlul bidah. This is the right thing to do, rather than uttering or transmitting statements whose implications he does not understand.
Allaah (The Most High) stated:
وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَقَّ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know (the truth) [2:42]
Indeed, the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah uttered a statement of truth by way of which he desired to promote falsehood. He said that Shaikh Wasiyullah said: ‘’If your brother gets sick are you going to get him treated or will you abandon him?’’ This statement is truth by way of which the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah seeks to utilize for falsehood in order to divert us from the main topic being addressed. Indeed, what this person fails to realize is that the one who innovates is not like the one who follows innovations but did not innovate. The one who knows the truth but follows falsehood is not like the one who does not know. The one who calls to his innovations is not like the one who does not calls. Shaikh Zaid Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali (rahimahullaah) said:
The people of desires and misguidance are (categorized into) those who are followed and those who follow. Those who are followed are the ones who set up the various principles of innovation and call to their innovation and misguidance. And they will carry their burden of sins and the burden of the sins of those whom they misguided without knowledge, as it is clearly stated in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. As for the followers of a leader from amongst the people of desires, then in most cases they are of two categories:
The First Category: Those who possess knowledge, but they harbour evil intentions; so they yield to Satan, desires and the urge of the evil soul. They follow the people of misguidance and oppose the callers to guidance (in that which) Allaah sent His Messenger Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) with.
The Second Category: Their share of knowledge is little, so the people of desires take advantage of them and they become (part) of their group. They convince them that what they call them to is the manifest truth and that what their opponents are upon is falsehood. And they convey to them a huge (number) of affairs that resemble the truth but are falsehood in reality, in order to deceive them and submerge them into misguidance. As for those who are followed—those who set up principles of bidah and call the people to their bidah and misguidance–then indeed they are marked with the bidah they innovated and call the people to, and for them there is no honour. [Source: Al-Ajwibah Al-Athariyyah Anil Masaa-il Al-Manhajiyyah, Khamsoona Su’aalan Wa-Jawaaban: page: 18-19:]
The above statement of Shaikh Zaid (rahimahullaah) manifests the fact that the followers of an innovator are not all the same-those who are deceived are not similar to those who know the truth but are obstinate upon falsehood. This is why Shaikh Zaid (rahimahullaah) said about the obstinate ones-those who know the haqq but are obstinate-: There is no honour for them after the truth has been established with its evidences and (after) the falsity of that which is in opposition to it of newly invented affairs in the Religion has been clarified.
Therefore, we make it absolutely clear to the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah that help cannot be given to Greenlane’s Admin and their staunch agents in Stoke, for they are well aware of the cause of their sickness (i.e. hizbiyyah), but they neither desire a cure nor do they listen to those who can help them; rather the old and new Admins of Greenlane have been spreading their Hizbiyyah for many years and with determination.
Indeed, we do not say that Greenlane’s Admin and their agents in Stoke-On-Trent are Mubtadi’ah because only the scholars can pass a judgement of Tabdee. However, there is no doubt that their foremost promoter of hizbiyyah (Abu Usama) has been declared a man of bidah by Al-Allaamah Ahmad Bin Yahyah An-Najmi (rahimahullaah). On the other hand Greenlane’s repugnant hizbiyyah and deviant methodology of sheltering ahlul bidah and deviants is well known to the scholars, such as Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi, Shaikh Ubaid and others. Greenlane’s Admin are a people who openly declare their support for ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, and they are well known for sheltering and supporting Al-Maghrib Institute and its misguided mentor Yasir Qadhi. Indeed, just recently Greenlane’s Admin were encouraging people to attend Yasir Qadhi’s lecture and Yasir Qadhi is none else but that deviant who desires to unite the deviant sects. See links: http://www.salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=9&Topic=6237&sortby=desc Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi on Yasir Qadhi: http://safeshare.tv/w/DNzaEWPYHj
Indeed, the Salaf and their Manhaj are free from those who seek to attribute themselves to the Salaf, but on the other hand they keep the company of ahlul bidah. Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) said:
Do not sit with the people of desires (i.e. ahlul bidah) for indeed sitting with them will cause sickness to the hearts. [Al-Ibaanah 2/438]
Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) said:
It is neither permissible for anyone to sit with ahlul bidah nor mix with them, nor socialize with them. [Source: Al-Ibaanah 495]
Shaikh Hamood At-Tuwayjiree (rahimahullaah) said:
Indeed the Salaf As-Saaleh (pious predecessors) used to warn against ahlul bidah and they were severe in warning against them. They forbade (others) from listening to their speech; (forbade others) from sitting with them; (forbade others) from accompanying them and from listening to their speech….[Al-Qawlul Baleegh Fee At-Tahdheer Min Jamaa’ah At-Tableegh. Pages: 31-33]
However, Markaz at-Tawheed, Markaz as-Sunnah and Markaz al-Huda are all allies, companions and confidants of Greenlane’s Admin and Greenlane’s Admin are well known for sheltering ahlul bidah, such as Ihya Turaath, Al-Maghrib Institure and others. Adnaan Abdul Qaadir visited Markaz at-Tawheed- and Adnaan is none else but one of the main students and shelterers of the Mubtadi Siyaasi Ikhwaani Abdur-Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq. Ibn Awn (rahimahullaah) said:
من يجالس أهل البدع أشد علينا من أهل البدع
Those who sit with the people of innovation are more severe upon us than the people of innovation themselves. [Al Ibaanah 2/273]
This is what Greenlane’s Admin and their allies in stoke do- they invite the people of Bidah at ihyaa Turaath. On the other hand, Greenlane is well known for other affairs of misguidance. For more details about Greenlane’s Admin, visit the following links.
Therefore, we ask the confused caller to brotherhood at Markaz as-Sunnah to help himself first by learning the details of the Salafi Manhaj and remove himself from those who sit, praise, accompany and shelter ahlul bidah. This is the right thing to do, rather than uttering or transmitting statements whose implications he does not understand.
And Allaah knows best
To be continued….In-Shaa-Allaah
advise, hizbiyyoon- Markaz As-Sunnah Stoke, Markaz Al-Huda, markaz at-Tawheed, protection, Salaf