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Al-Mulaazamah for Ulterior Motives (i.e. accompanying scholars and studying under them for a long time, whilst concealing Ulterior Motives)

Shaikh Saaleh Aala Shaikh (may Allaah preserve him) says:

As for Ikhwaan  Al-Muslimeen [i.e. the Muslim brotherhood sect that was founded by the Soofi Hasan Al-Bannah(1)], from that which is most manifestly evident regarding dawah with them is that they conceal, disguise, fickle and get close to the one they believe will benefit them and not making known their true reality.  The reality of the affair is hidden and among them is one who mingles with some of the Scholars and the Mashaa’yikh for a long time and he (i.e. the Scholar or Shaikh) knows not their reality.  He (i.e. this hidden Ikhwaani) makes manifest a statement but hides the opposite- he does not say all that he has with him……….[Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee Tabseeril Ummah: page: 180]


(1)Read more about Ikhwaan Al-Muslimen on this link

Abu Mu’aawiyah (Abdullah Al-Gambi)

callers to misguidance