[1] Acquainting Ourselves With Some of The Scholars of The Salaf and Their Books
Hammaad Bin Salamah (rahimahullaah)
He is Hammaad Bin Salamah Bin Deenaar, Abu Salamah Al-Basree–the protégé of the household of Rabee Bin Maalik Ibn Handhala from the Bani Tameem clan. He was born in the year 91AH and died on Tuesday the 19th of Dhul Hijjah in the year 167AH. He was an Imaam in the science of recitation (of the Qur’aan etc); an Imaam in Hadeeth; an Imaam in the (Arabic) language; an eloquent jurist; an Imaam in the Sunnah and the first of those who authored books. Abu Haatim Ibn Hibbaan (rahimahullaah) said about him: ‘’There were not amongst the contemporaries of Hammaad Bin Salamah at Basra someone like him in virtue, (uprightness) in the religion, in piety, knowledge, authorship, in gathering and compiling knowledge, firmness upon the Sunnah and in subduing the people of bidah. And none defamed him during his time except a Mu’tazilee Qadaree or a Jahmee innovator, due to what he manifested of the authentic Sunnah which was rejected by the Mutazilah. Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (rahimahullaah) said: ‘’If you see a man jeering at Hammaad Bin Salamah, then suspect his Islaam (i.e. such a person is upon some sort of deviation), because he was harsh against the innovators. And indeed Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) provided (evidence establishing) that Hammaad Ibn Salamah authored a book on the (topic of) Asmaa Was Sifaat.
Muhammad Bin Salaam (rahimahullaah)
He is Muhammad Bin Salaam Ibn Al-Farj Abu Abdillaah Al-Beekandiy. He was born in the year 161AH and died on Sunday 8th in the month of Safar 225AH. He was a Shaikh of (Imaam) Bukhaari and he narrated from him in his Saheeh (i.e. Saheeh Al-Bukhaari). He was from those given comprehension in knowledge and he was from the Imaams of the Athar (i.e. possessors’ of knowledge of the ahaadeeth and the narrations of the Sahaabah).
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad An-Najjaar (rahimahullaah) said: ”Ibn Salaam had authorships in every sphere of knowledge (i.e. knowledge of the sharia).”
Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) mentioned his (Ibn Salaam’s) Book [titled: As-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah] in Al-Fataawaa Al-Kubraa 5/4140]. Shaikh Abdus Salaam Burgess (rahimahullaah) stated that Ibn Salaam’s biography can be found in [سيراعلام نبلاء10/656]
Abu Ubaid Ibn Al-Qaasim Bin Salaam
He (rahimahullaah) was a roman slave. Shaikh Abdus Salaam Burgess said: Neither his lineage nor his family being Non-Arab harmed him, for he was one of the pillars of knowledge of the sharia and a linguist. He was born in the year 159AH and died in the year 224AH. He used to divide the night into three parts–he prayed in the first, slept in the second and wrote books in the third.
Al-Ameer Abdullaah Ibn Taahir-the Ameer of khuraasaan-said: The (distinguished) people are four (in their specific eras); Ibn Abbaas in his era, Ash-Shabee in his era, Al-Qaasim ibn Ma’n in his era and Abu Ubaid in his era.
(Imaam) Ahmad (rahimahullah) said: Abu Ubaid is an Ustaadh.
(Imaam) Daaraqutni (rahimahullah) said: ‘’He (i.e. Abu Ubaid) is a trustworthy Imaam and a mountain (of knowledge).
His book (Al-Eemaan) was disseminated by Shaikh Albaanee (rahimahullah).
To be continued…InShaaAllaah
[Source: تاريخ تدوين العقيدة السلفية by Shaikh Abdus Salaam Burgess (rahimahullaah) pages 22-24. Abridged]