Whoever sits with ahlul bidah is not safe from one of three calamities! By Imaam Sufyaan Ath-Thawri
Imaam Sufyaan Ath-thawri (rahimahullaah) said:
The one who sits with a person of innovation is not safe from one of three (affairs): ”[1] Either he becomes a trial for other than himself; [2] Or something of (misguidance) falls into his heart, so he slips by way of that and Allaah enters him into the hell fire; [3] or he says: By Allaah, I don’t care what they say because I am sure of myself;” but whoever feels safe about his religion (without Allaah’s guidance, protection etc) in the twinkling of an eye, it will be snatched away from him.”
[Source: البدع والنهي عنها of Ibn Wadaah page 54]