Remember Allah at All Times
The Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said to his cousin, Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas) whilst he was still a youth, “O young boy, surely I will teach you some words” and then he began to teach Abdullaah ibn `Abbaas. He said to him:
“Be mindful of Allāh and he will protect you, be mindful of Allāh and you will find him in-front of you. If you ask than ask of Allāh, and know that if all the people were to gather together to benefit you with something, they could not benefit you except with that which Allāh has already written for you – and if they were to gather together to harm you with anything they would not be able to harm you except with that which Allāh has already written and decreed for you. Indeed the pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.”