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Author: Masjid Al Furqan

UPDATE! Only £13,258 to go to buy out Masjid al Furqan! #Donation UPDATE – Read Here:

***Latest update***

Last Monday we needed £24000,00 – this was the remainder of the Masjid debt to make the masjid freehold. We received the following donations this week:

Tuesday – £1340.00
Wed / Thur – £1200.00
Fri – £5122.00
Sat – £3080.00

Total Raised within 5 days: £10,742.00

Amount Remaining: £13258.00

Brothers and Sisters please continue to increase in your good deeds during the final few hours of Ramadhaan. You can donate by handing in cash at the masjid or via BACs Transfer

Masjid Al-Furqan
0321 734 8
Lloyds TSB


1124664 UK Reg charity number.


Nourishment; Medication; Chronic illness and Severe Toothache; Poison—A similitude of four categories of people

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: When you confuse one of these groups with the other, you will find yourself in evil.

The First of them:

They are those whose company is like nourishment that one cannot do without in the morning and evening. One leaves it after fulfilling his need from it, and then returns to it when he is in need. This is how it is on a permanent basis (with such nourishment).  This similitude is more precious than red brimstone. The ones (intended in this similitude) are those who know Allaah, His commandments, the plots of His enemies, the diseases of the hearts and their remedies. They are sincere to Allaah, His Messenger and His creation. In this similitude (regarding) keeping their company, there is an all-embracing benefit.

The second category:

They are those whose company is similar to medication that is needed during illness. So, as long as you are healthy, you are not in need of intermingling with them. They are those you cannot do without in (seeking after) the beneficial things of livelihood and fulfilment of various dealings, partnerships, consultation, medication and the likes.

The Third category:

They are those whose company is similar to the diseases in their various classes and types, and the differences in their severity and mildness. Amongst them is one whose company is similar to chronic illness. It is this one who does not benefit you-neither in the religious nor worldly affairs, alongside the fact that you might either incur a loss in both your religious and worldly affairs or in one of them. So if intermingling with him is made possible, then it is that disease that is feared will lead to death. And amongst them is the one whose company is similar to a tooth ache whose pain becomes severe upon you, but when it leaves you the pain abates.

The Forth category:

It is the one whose company is absolute destruction and intermingling with him is similar to eating poison. How common is this similitude within the people! May Allaah not make them numerous, and they are Ahlul Bidah Wad Dalaalah (The people of innovation and misguidance). They are those who hinder (people) from the path of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and call to that which is in opposition to it. They are those who hinder (people) from the path of Allaah and seek to make it cooked; so they present innovation as Sunnah and Sunnah as innovation, and they present virtue as evil and evil as virtue. And when you established Tawheed amongst them, they say: You have degraded the Awliyaa (friends of Allaah) and the righteous people. And when you establish ittibaa (correct adherence to the path of the messenger with evidence) they say: You have invalidated (the affair) of the followed Imaams. And when you command that which Allaah and His Messenger command and forbid that which Allaah and His Messenger forbid, they say: You are from those who put people to trial.


[Source: بدائع التفسير الجامع لما فسره الإمام ابن القيم الجوزيةVol: 3, Page: 467-469]


[6] Demonstrations/Protests—A Few Reminders for the sensible person

Shaikh Saaleh As-Suhaymi (may Allaah preserve him) said:

None benefits from this Demagoguery and chaos except the enemies of Islaam and the Sunnah. And because of this those behind it are six groups. The kuffaar of various creeds (1); The Raafidah; The khawaarij; The Liberalists; The seekers of rulership and government seats; the fishers in the murky waters amongst the rabble and lowly people-those who praise what they do not know and are followers of everyone who shouts and other than them amongst the foreigners.

Therefore, it is befitting that the Muslims keep themselves away from falling into these situations, and that they should not be إمعاوات–yes men or lapdogs. ”Do not be yes men, saying: If the people are good (or righteous), we are good (or righteous); and if they do wrong (or become unrighteous), we do wrong (or become unrighteous); but make up your mind; If the people do good (or are righteous), then be good (or righteous). If they do evil, then do not do wrong.” Rather, it is upon them (i.e. the Muslims) to follow the methodology of the pious predecessors in rectifying the affairs. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) said: The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by way of that which rectified its earlier part. (2)


[1] Those kuffaar who secretly or openly finance and support the hypocrites, the rabble, the stupid people and the opportunists to  ignite strife and hatred between us and our Muslim rulers. See here: Do Not Listen to the Kuffaar’s and the Khawaarij’s Enticement towards Khurooj

[2] Source: القُطُوفُ الدَّوانِيُّ فِي سَرْحِ نُونِيَّة الْقَحْطَانِيِّ– [by Shaikh Saaleh As-Suhaymi (may Allaah preserve him) page333-334]

Live Talk – How to Save Yourselves & Family from the Hellfire – Abu Idrees Muhammad

Masjid al Furqan (Tunstall)

How to save yourselves and your families from the Trials of the Dunya

Saturday 25th Jan 2014 @ 7pm

Straight after Salaatul Esha

Lecturer: Abu Idrees
(Madinah University graduate)

Brothers & Sisters All Welcome
Broadcast on


Vacancy for Imaam Position – Apply now

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Who was the first person to categorise Tawheed into three? Shaykh Fawzaan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Question: Who was the first person to categorise Tawheed into three ie Tawheed of Lordship, Tawheed of Worship and Tawheed of Names and Attributes?

Shaykh Fawzan responded: 

Meaning you have doubt in this? The Categories of Tawheed are taken from the Qur’aan. All the verses which speaks about Creating, providing, giving life, causing death, these verses are about the Tawheed of Lordship…. and all the verses which speak about worship and shirk, then these (verses) are about Tawheed of Worship… and all the verses which speak about Allah’s names and attributes then they are about the Tawheed of Names and Attributes.

(Emphasising) They (the categories of Tawheed) are taken from the Quran.

From the lecture:

مظاهو ضعف العقيدة في وقتنا الحاضر و طرق علاجها