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KHUTBA: The Reality of Easter in Light of al-Islaam | Rayaan Barker

In this excellent khutba, Ustaadh Rayaan discusses the importance for Muslims to abide by the regulations of al-Islaam regarding celebrations and covers the permissible and impermissible forms of them. The false assumptions regarding Jesus (‘Eesaa) alaihi salaam are clarified, as well as the origins of Easter itself including the ‘Easter Egg’, ‘Easter Rabbit’ and other […]

KHUTBA: Be Like The Salaf And Take Care Of Your Heart And Religion! – Rayaan Barker

Today’s Khutbah by Ustadh Rayan Barker, was a reflection upon the Salaf- Our Pious Predecessors- from The Sahaabah (Companions of the Prophet Salllahualayhiwasallam) and those after them. The lecture gave us an insight into how the Salaf strove towards improving themselves in the religion. The reminder gives us chance to reflect on ourselves and our […]

KHUTBA: Know Allah in Times of Ease and He Will Know You in Times of Difficulty – Rayaan Barker

Know Allah during times of ease and He will know you in times of difficulty Rayaan Barker (Hafithahullah) Masjid al-Furqan Take benefit from the Great Hadith of the 3 men that became trapped in a cave and the actions they devoted to Allah. Know the greatest adversity and how to prepare for it http://

This Week’s Khutba: Protect Yourself and Your Families From the Evils of Extremism | Rayaan Barker

Friday Khutba from Masjid al-Furqan on the dangers of extremism and how to protect yourself and your family from extremism. The evil actions of the khawarij, are from their desires and not from Islam, nor of the Prophet sallahualaywasallam, and Salaf (Pious Predecessors). (Khawaarij = renegades, an ancient sect that split off the main body […]