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Who was the first person to categorise Tawheed into three? Shaykh Fawzaan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Question: Who was the first person to categorise Tawheed into three ie Tawheed of Lordship, Tawheed of Worship and Tawheed of Names and Attributes?

Shaykh Fawzan responded: 

Meaning you have doubt in this? The Categories of Tawheed are taken from the Qur’aan. All the verses which speaks about Creating, providing, giving life, causing death, these verses are about the Tawheed of Lordship…. and all the verses which speak about worship and shirk, then these (verses) are about Tawheed of Worship… and all the verses which speak about Allah’s names and attributes then they are about the Tawheed of Names and Attributes.

(Emphasising) They (the categories of Tawheed) are taken from the Quran.

From the lecture:

مظاهو ضعف العقيدة في وقتنا الحاضر و طرق علاجها


categories, monotheism, tawheed