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Our Salaf: Looking into the Books of the People of Bidah and Misguidance

 قال الامام أحمد – رحمه الله

إياكم أن تكتبوا عن أحد من أصحاب الأهواء ؛ قليلا ولا كثيرا

[كتاب السير   (11/231)]


Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) said:

”Beware of writing down (knowledge) from one of the people of desires—neither a little nor a lot.”

[Siyar 11/231]


قال سعيد بن عمرو البرذعي – رحمه الله

شهدت أبا زرعة سئل عن الحارث المحاسبي وكتبه ؛

: فقال للسائل

إياك وهذه الكتب هذه كتب بدع وضلالات

[كتاب الميزان  (2/165) ]

Sa’eed Ibn Amr Al-Bardha’ee (rahimahullaah) said:

”I witnessed (when) Abu Zur’ah was asked about Haarith Al-Muhaasibee and his books; so he said to the questioner: Beware of these books; they are books of bidah and misguidance.”

[Al-Meezaan 2/165]


[See more narrations here:]


bidah, Hizb ut Tahreer, Innovation, Nabahani, Predecessors, protection, Salaf, Taqi al-Din