The Balanced, Unneutral, Truthful, Unadulterated and Critical Reforming Muslim Voices against the Extremists and the Extremist World View
Kidnapping and Hijacking are actions of the khawaarij (brothers of the devil)–The Pure Salafi Methodology is free from these satanic acts!
The Historical Influences and Effects of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon Upon the Salaf (6 Articles). Visit:
Historical Development of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen And Their Effect and Influence Upon Contemporary Salafee Dawah: Part 3 Updated |
Historical Development of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen And Their Effect and Influence Upon Contemporary Salafee Dawah: Part 5 Updated |
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