What Do We Utilise When Dealing With The Innovations? – Al-‘Allamah Shaikh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhali (Hafithahullah)
Al-Allaamah Rabi’ Bin Hadee Al-Madhkali [May Allah preserve him] said :
“If we are to devote ourselves in confronting the difficult affairs, such as the bid’ah [innovations brought into the religion] and other than them, then it is obligated on us to adhere to that which the Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] and his rightly guided Caliphs were upon. We distinguish -by way of that- between guidance and misguidance, [between] truth and falsehood, and [between] Sunnah and bidah.
Al-Majmoo Ar-Ra’iq Min Al-Wasayah Wazahdiyah Waraqaaiq – page 395