Khutbah: Importance Of Ikhlaas & Mutaaba’ah
Khutbah by Ustaadh Rayaan Barker. Friday 30th November 2018 @ Masjid al-Furqan, Stoke-on-Trent.
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Khutbah by Ustaadh Rayaan Barker. Friday 30th November 2018 @ Masjid al-Furqan, Stoke-on-Trent.
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Announcements, Duroos (Lessons).
On the authority of Abu Najeeh al-’Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us an admonition by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. So we said, “O Messenger of Allah! It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “I counsel you to have taqwa (fear) of Allah, and to listen and obey [your leader], even if a slave were to become your ameer. Verily he among you who lives long after me will see much differing, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance.”
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Announcements, Khutbah (Friday Sermons).
Fasting does not end at the end of Ramadhaan. Allaah has legislated other fasts which we can engage in to still attain the benefits of fasting and to keep us in that state of discipline & mindfulness towards Allaah.
Allaah has blessed that we were in the month of Ramadhaan and He has blessed us that we have completed the month.
Righteous deeds and the worship of Allaah do not end with the end of Ramadhaan. They should continue after the month of Ramadhaan.
Fasting in the month of Ramadhaan brought so many benefits for us, taught us many lessons, patience, perseverance, self control, self discipline. These things we can carry on outside the blessed month.
Let us all safeguard what Ramadhaan taught us. Let us safeguard those benefits and let us safeguard that purification & cleansing that we attained during the blessed month.
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Announcements, Khutbah (Friday Sermons).
In this Khutbah Ustaadh Rayaan mentions a few points regarding the high station of the scholars.
The true scholars are those that return the people back to the Quraan, the Sunnah and the understanding of the early pious generations. They are upon goodness and they are the inheritors of the Prophets.
The scholars have a virtue above all of the other believers, in every time period. Allaah has raised them in terms of their knowledge.
We preserve their status with love & respect and with our tongue by praising their knowledge & goodness.
Written by Furqan Masjid on . Posted in Methodology - 'Manhaj', Scholars of Islam, Worship - 'Ibaadah'.
We Will Not Leave Anyone Who Speaks Against The Sunnah- By Shaikh Muqbil Bin Haadi
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Articles, Belief - 'Aqeedah', Fatawa-Rulings, Purification of The Soul, Scholars of Islam, Seeking Knowledge, The Salaf - Pious Predecessors, Worship - 'Ibaadah'.
Chapter: The Statement of the Prophet: [Whoever is able to marry, should marry, for that will help him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.).’ And should a person marry (even if) he has no desire for marriage?] [Kitaabun Nikaah’ Saheeh Al-Bukhaari’ Hadeeth Number 5065]
Narrated ‘Alqamah:
“While I was with Abdullaah, uthman met him at Mina and said, ‘O Abu Abdur-Rahmaan! I have something to say to you.’ So both of them went aside and uthmaan said, ‘O Abu Abdur-Rahmaan! Shall we marry you to a virgin who will make you remember your past days? When Abdullaah felt that he was not in need of that, he beckoned me (to join him) saying, ‘O Alqamah’ Then I heard him saying (in reply to uthmaan), ‘As you have said that, (I tell you that) the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) once said to us, ‘O young people! Whoever among you is able to marry, should marry, and whoever is not able to marry, is recommended to observe fast as fasting will diminish his sexual power’.
Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz [rahimahullaah] explains:
“Therefore, getting married is the correct [thing to do] as an obligation upon the one who has shahwa [sexual desires] even if he is not in fear of falling to Zinaa, and this is with regards to the one whose situation allows him to get married. This [also shows] Uthman’s righteous moral conduct and that the elderly person can get married as long as he has the strength for sexual relations; and those mainly intended in this hadeeth are the young people, because in most cases they possess greater desires and are more in need of that.”
[Source: Al-Hulalul Ibreeziyyah Min At-Taleeqaat Al-baaziyyah Alaa Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree Volume 4; Hadith No:5065; Footnote Number 2]
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Announcements, Articles, Belief - 'Aqeedah', Methodology - 'Manhaj', Monotheism - Tawheed, Scholars of Islam, Seeking Knowledge, The Salaf - Pious Predecessors, Worship - 'Ibaadah'.
Among The Virtues of The Prophet’s City- By Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen (Rahimahullah)
Imaam Muhammad Bin Saaleh al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) was asked about the statement of the Messenger (sallal-laahua-alayhi-wasallam) that: ‘’Verily Imaan returns and goes back to Madeenah as a snake returns and goes back to its hole.’’[1]
In this hadeeth the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: ‘’ Verily Imaan returns and goes back to Madeenah as a snake returns and goes back to its hole.’’ The word (يَأرِزُ)-Yarizo with a kasrah on the letter Raa can also have a Fatha or a Dammah (on the Raa). And the meaning of (يَأرِزُ) – Yarizo is that (Islaam) will return and it will be established in Madeenah, just as a snake returns to its hole after exiting it. This is an indication from the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alahi-wasallam) that this religion will return to Madeenah after the other lands become corrupted, just as a snake goes out and roams about in the earth, and then returns to its hole after that.
In this hadeeth is also an indication that just as Islaam did spread from Madeenah, it will also return to it; for indeed Islaam’s strength and authority did not spread except from Madeenah, even though its origin was in Makkah. Makkah was the first place where the revelation came down, but the Muslims were not able to establish a state, authority and Jihaad except after migrating to Madeenah. So for this reason, Islaam’s authority, enforcement and strength spread from Madeenah, and it will return to it in the end of time.
And some of the people of knowledge say that this (hadeeth) is indicative of an affair that has preceded, and that people did come to Madeenah and return to it in order to acquire the knowledge of the Sharee-ah and to study Islaam. However, the first meaning is what is apparent from the hadeeth. [2]
[1]Saheeh Bukhaari: Summarized Version: Hadeeth Number: 909
[Source:Fataawaa Fadeelatus Shaikh Al-Allaamah Muhammad Bin Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen Fil Aqeedah: Vol:1-2: page: 84-85]
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Articles, Belief - 'Aqeedah', Purification of The Soul, Qur'aan, Scholars of Islam, Seeking Knowledge, Worship - 'Ibaadah'.
When Are Deeds Likened To Skins Without Flesh And Body Without Souls?
al-‘Allamah Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’di (Rahimahullah)
Allaah [The Most High] said:
لَن يَنَالَ اللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا وَلَٰكِن يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَىٰ مِنكُمْ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُحْسِنِينَ
It is neither their meat nor their blood [i.e. the animals we sacrifice] that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may magnify Allah for His Guidance to you. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) to the Muhsinun (doers of good). [Surah Al-Hajj. Ayah 37]
“It is neither their meat nor their blood”- meaning: The aim [or goal] behind them [i.e. the animals slaughtered as sacrifice] is not just to merely slaughter them, for neither does their meat nor blood reach Allaah because Allaah is [الْغَنِيُّ الْحَمِيدُ -The Independent One Who is Free of all Needs and The One Who is Deservedly Praised (Ref A)]; rather what reaches Allaah is the sincerity [in your hearts in relation to the performance of the deed]; hope for Allaah’s reward and having a righteous intention.
“But it is piety from you that reaches Him”.
So with regards to this, there is an urge towards sincerity in [the act] of sacrifice and that one’s intention is to seek the Face of Allaah [alone], and not out of boasting, show off and to be heard; nor merely following a custom. Likewise, this is [the goal behind] all acts of worship, for if they are not connected to sincerity and piety, then they are similar to skins that have no flesh and a body that has no soul.
[Abridged and Slightly paraphrased..Source: Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan Fee Tafseer Kalaam Al-Mannaan’ by Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah). Publisher Daar Ibn Hazm 1st ed. 1424 (Year 2003)] [NB: The Translation of (الْغَنِيُّ الْحَمِيدُ) was taken from the poster titled: ‘The Beautiful Names of Allaah’- Distributors: SPubs (Salafipublications)]
Written by Masjid Al Furqan on . Posted in Articles, Belief - 'Aqeedah', Methodology - 'Manhaj', Scholars of Islam, Seeking Knowledge, The Salaf - Pious Predecessors, Worship - 'Ibaadah'.
Al-Allaamah Rabi’ Bin Hadee Al-Madhkali [May Allah preserve him] said :
“If we are to devote ourselves in confronting the difficult affairs, such as the bid’ah [innovations brought into the religion] and other than them, then it is obligated on us to adhere to that which the Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] and his rightly guided Caliphs were upon. We distinguish -by way of that- between guidance and misguidance, [between] truth and falsehood, and [between] Sunnah and bidah.
Al-Majmoo Ar-Ra’iq Min Al-Wasayah Wazahdiyah Waraqaaiq – page 395
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In this excellent khutba, Ustaadh Rayaan discusses the importance for Muslims to abide by the regulations of al-Islaam regarding celebrations and covers the permissible and impermissible forms of them. The false assumptions regarding Jesus (‘Eesaa) alaihi salaam are clarified, as well as the origins of Easter itself including the ‘Easter Egg’, ‘Easter Rabbit’ and other Pagan roots pertaining to this celebration.