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Our Salaf—Knowledge and Action [Sufyaan Bin Uyaynah and Al-Hasan Al-Basri]

Sufyaan Bin Uyaynah (rahimahullaah) said:

”If my morning is like that of the foolish and my night is like that of the ignorant,

then what will I do with the knowledge I wrote down?”

[Source: Akhlaaq Al-Ulamaa’ of Imaam Al-Aajurree. Page: 44]

Al-Hasan Al-Basri (rahimahullaah) said:

”When a man used to seek knowledge, it did not take long before (the effect) was seen in his eyesight; in his fear of Allaah; on his tongue; on his hands; in his prayer and his abstinence from the lawful but unnecessary worldly things.”

[Reported by Imaam Daarimi 385]   

An Example of Ikhtilaaf Fiqhiy and Ikhtilaaf Manhajiy–Imaam Muqbil Bin Haadi (rahimahullaah)

Imaam Muqbil Bin Haadee (rahimahullaah) said:

Al-Khilaaf Fiqhiy: It is when the evidence can carry this (meaning) or that (meaning), such as the Hadeeth:”When one of you wakes up from his sleep, he must not put his hand in a utensil till he has washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was.” The scholars have differed in this (affair); amongst them are those who say that the water becomes impure and amongst them are those who say that it is forbidden (to put one’s hand in the water) but (the water) does not become impure and this affair is a legislated act of worship; and amongst them are those who say that it is Makrooh (disliked to put the one’s hand in the water  but not forbidden), because he (i.e. the person) is upon certainty that his hand is in a state of purity.  So the likes of this (affair) is Ikhtilaaf fiqhiy and similar to it (also is whether) the Basmallaah is to be uttered loudly (during the prayer).

Al-Khilaaf Manhajiy:  As for Al-khilaaf Manhajiy, it is a problematic disease such as the methodology of Ikhwaan Al-Mufliseen; for their Manhaj is entry into elections, houses of parliaments and party Multiplicity.  This is considered to be Ikhtilaaf Manhajiy because it is in opposition to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wa-alaa-aalihi-wasallam)……


[See: Ghaaratul Ash-ritah: page: 40-41: Vol 1]


What is Fusooq? Shaikh Fawzaan explains


Concerning the statement of Allaah (The Most High): [وَكَرَّهَ إِلَيْكُمُ الْكُفْرَ وَالْفُسُوقَ وَالْعِصْيَان] – ”And has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience (to Allah and His Messenger) hateful to you.” [Al-Hujuraat. Ayah 7]   Al-Fusooq and Al-Faasiqoon have been mentioned several times in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah, so what is Fusooq and how can a Muslim be careful of becoming from a people who are Faasiqeen?



Concerning Allaah’s (The Most High) statement:  [وَكَرَّهَ إِلَيْكُمُ الْكُفْرَ وَالْفُسُوقَ وَالْعِصْيَان]- ”And has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience (to Allah and His Messenger) hateful to you”; He (Glorified Be He) mentioned the three types of acts of disobedience in this noble Ayah:


(A) The type of disobedience that removes a person from the fold of Islaam, such as Kufr (Akbar) and Shirk (Akbar).


(B) The major type of disobedience which is lesser than Kufr (Akbar) and Shirk (Akbar) and it does not remove a person from the Religion but it decreases one’s Imaan—a manifest decrease–; such as fornication, theft, drinking alcohol and other than that of the major sins.  They are referred to as Fusooq (wicked deeds) and the person who commits them is referred to as a Faasiq (wicked sinner) because Fisq means removing oneself from obedience to Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic].


(C) Then He (The Most High) mentioned the type of disobedience that is lesser than the major sins and are not tantamount to Fisq, and they are the minor sins.


So Allaah (Glorified Be He) informed (us) that He has made all these three types of disobedience hateful to the people of Imaan and make them have a love for the various types of acts of obedience and righteous actions that draws them close to their Lord.

[Source: Al-Muntaqaa Min Fataawaa Fadeelatish Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan Vol 1 page 244. Fatwa Number 142]

A Very Brief Acquaintance with Al-Allaamah Al-Faqeeh Shaikh Zayd Bin Haadi al-Madkhali (rahimahullaah)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

 He is the scholar, the faqeeh, Al-Allaamah Abu Muhammad Zayd Ibn Muhammad Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali (rahimahullaah).  He is from the well-known Madaakhilah Tribe in the region of Jeezaan (the south of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

He was born in 1357AH [1938].  He grew up in his home town in the presence of his parents.  His mother died when he was 7 years old and she was well-known for being upright and ardent in following the religion.  His father died when he was 30 years old.

Shaikh Zayd (rahimahullaah) started seeking knowledge from an early age and used to be accompanied and encouraged to do so by his relative Shaikh Ahmad Bin Ahmad Aloosh Al-Madkhali (rahimahullaah).  He joined the circles of learning in his home town—he learnt hand writing, reading, Tawheed, Tajweed, recitation of the Qur’aan and started memorization.  He memorized Soorah Baqarah, Soorah Aal Imraan and some of the Mufassal Sooras.

Thereafter, he started his studies in (Rakoobah-Saudi Arabia) and at the time he was nearly seven years old. Then he lived in (Daghaareer—Saudi Arabia), and then he moved to Saamitah to join the Az-Zaahirah Madrasah Salafiyyah over there, which was founded by the Imaam and Mujaddid Abdullaah Ibn Muhammad Al-Qar’aawi (rahimahullaah), in the house of the esteemed Shaikh Naaser Khuloofah (rahimahullaah).  Shaikh Abdullaah Al-Qar’aawi used to dessiminate knowledge to the students in this Madrasah and he used to teach [كتاب التوحيد; بلوغ المرام;   الفرائض;  تجويد;  نحو; and  صرف ]

In the year 1368, Shaikh Zayd (rahimahullaah) met Shaikh Haafidh Al-Hakami  (rahimahullaah) in the city of (Baish—Saudi Arabia). He (rahimahullaah) alongside other students read some of the books of knowledge and studied under Shaikh Haafidh Al-Hakami (rahimahullaah).

He (rahimahullaah) stayed with Shaikh Haafidh Al-Hakami (rahimahullaah) for three months and acquired knowledge from him.  Then he returned to the Madrasah Salafiyyah (in Saamitah) and took up the responsibility of teaching some of the students over there, and he held study circles in the town in which the Madrasah was.   Then he was appointed as a teacher in the town of Rakoobah in the year 1372 at the age of fifteen, and thereafter he was appointed a head teacher.

And when a new institute was opened by the state in Saamitah, in the year 1374, he sought the advice of the two virtuous Shaikhs Abdullaah Al-Qar’aawi and Haafidh Al-Hakami and started studying in the institute in 1375.  He graduated from the institute between 1379-1380.  He studied under various noble scholars whilst enrolled at the institute and studied a number of sciences.

Then he joined Muhammad Bin Saud University (Faculty of Sharia) for two years, and in the second year he completed memorizing the Qur’aan. He was then appointed to teach at the institute of knowledge before graduating. He was also the head teacher of the Institute at the time of Shaykh Mohammed bin Ahmed Hakami (rahimahullaah).

Shaikh Zayd (rahimahullaah) carried on as a teacher as well as a participant in educational affairs for 35 years until he reached the age of retirement in the year 1417AH.   The Shaikh was known for his Zuhd, pre-occupation with teaching and spreading knowledge.

Some of the Scholars he studied under:

الشيخ / علي بن محمد حاج مهجري المدخلي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / هادي بن هادي المدخلي
ـ الشيخ / عبد الله بن محمد القرعاوي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / حافظ بن أحمد الحكمي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / محمد بن أحمد الحكمي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ/ جابر بن سلمان المدخلي حفظه الله
ـ الشيخ / علي بن يحيى البهكلي حفظه الله
ـ الشيخ / أحمد بن يحيى النجمي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / حسن بن محمد شبير النجمي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / محمد بن محمد جابر المدخلي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ / ناصر بن خلوفه طياش مباركي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ الدكتور / محمد أمان بن علي الجامي رحمه الله
ـ سماحة الشيخ / عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ/ عبد الرحمن النجدي رحمه الله
ـ الشيخ/ عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن الغديان رحمه الله
15ـ الشيخ/ محمد عطية سالم رحمه الله

 Some of the scholars who have praised him:

ـ الشيخ العلامة / محمد بن أحمد الحكمي رحمه الله .
ـ الشيخ العلامة / أحمد بن يحيى النجمي رحمه الله .
ـ الشيخ ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي حفظه الله .
ـ فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور/ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان .
ـ معالي الشيخ/ محمد بن عبد الله بن سبيل حفظه الله إمام الحرم المكي وعضو اللجنة الدائمة للإفتاء .
ـ فضيلة الشيخ العلامة المحدث / عبد المحسن بن حمد العباد البدر حفظه الله .
ـ فضيلة الشيخ الأستاذ الدكتور / علي بن محمد بن ناصر الفقيهي حفظه الله .
ـ فضيلة الشيخ العلامة / عبيد بن عبد الله الجابري حفظه الله .
ـ فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور/ صالح بن سعد السحيمي المدرس بالمسجد النبوي الشريف .
ـ معالي الشيخ/ صالح بن عبد العزيز آل الشيخ وزير

and others

 Some of his Books

1ـ شرح القصيدة الهائية لناظمها الشيخ العلامة / حافظ بن أحمد بن علي الحكمي رحمه الله تعالى .
2ـ الحياة في ظل العقيدة الإسلامية .
3 ـ المنهج القويم في التأسي بالرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم .
4ـ الأفنان الندية شرح منظومة السبل السوية لفقه السنن المروية 9أجزاء.
5ـ قبس من الأفنان الندية لإيضاح مناسك الحج المروية .
6ـ الأجوبة السديدة على الأسئلة الرشيدة 6أجزاء.
7ـ الجهد المبذول في تنوير العقول بشرح منظومة وسيلة الحصول إلى مهمات الأصول 3 أجزاء.
8ــ وجوب ستر الوجه والكفين وشروط حجاب المرأة المسلمة .
9ـ فقه الدعوة إلى الله ونعوت الداعية .
10 ـ البحث الوجيز في نصرة الحق العزيز .
11 ـ كلمة حق حيال حدث تحدى به صانعوه شريعة الإسلام وقيم المسلمين.
12ـ تدوين ثلاثة أسئلة مهمة رجونا بالإجابة عليها المثوبة ونفع الأمة .
13ـ العقد المنضد الجديد في الإجابة على مسائل في الفقه والمناهج والتوحيد الجزء الأول بتحقيقي والثاني والثالث بالاشتراك مع الأستاذ/ علي بن زيد المدخلي .
14ـ عوامل النصر الشرعية أو أسباب النصر الشرعية وصفات المجاهدين المرضية.
15ـ الديوان المليح المشتمل على الطرفة الحكيمة، والنصيحة القويمة، والقول السديد، بطريقي التصريح والتلميح.
16ـ المنظومات الحسان في العقائد والمناهج وقطوف من علوم القرآن .
17ـ النظم المختار لبعض موضوعات ” المنظار ” مع إضافات كان مرجعها صحيح الآثار .
18ـ الفتاوى المضيئات في حكم الدخان والشمة والقات.
19ـ الموقف الحق مما ابتلي باستعماله كثير من الخلق .
20ـ الشيخ حافظ الحكمي حياته وجهوده العلمية والعملية .
21ـ قطف الجنى المستطاب شرح عقيدة المجدد محمد بن عبد الوهاب .
22ـ الإرهاب وآثاره السيئة على الأفراد والأمم .
23ـ قطوف من نعوت السلف ومميزات منهجهم في أبواب العلم والعمل .
24ـ أسباب استقامة الشباب وبواعث انحرافهم .
25ـ لا حيرة بعد الإطلاع بل إنابة وتنفيذ واتباع .
26ـ الرسالات القيمة إلى المرأة المسلمة .
27ـ طريق الوصول إلى إيضاح الثلاثة الأصول بتحقيقي .
28ـ أبرز الفوائد من الأربع القواعد بتحقيقي .
29ـ سلم الوصول إلى بيان الستة الأصول بتحقيقي .
30ـ التعليقات المباركات على كشف الشبهات بتحقيقي .
31ـ الأجوبة المختصرة على الأسئلة العشرة .
32ـ السراج الوقاد، في بيان تصحيح الاعتقاد، والرد على فرق الزيغ والفساد .
33ـ الرد النافع المفيد، على من قال إن الناس اليوم يحتاجون إلى وحي جديد .
34ـ نثر الورود على حائية ابن أبي داود .
35ـ العمل الأسنى نظم وشرح أسماء الله الحسنى .
36ـ أوضح المعاني شرح مقدمة رسالة ابن أبي زيد القيرواني .
37ـ نصيحة غالية وكنز ثمين بتحقيقي .
38ـ الشروق على الفروق بين الكفر والشرك والنفاق والفسوق.
39ـ قبس من الشروق على الفروق بتحقيقي
40ـ مجموعة رسائل الجزء الثاني بتحقيقي
41ـ التعليق المتين على كتاب أصل السنة واعتقاد الدين للإمامين الرازيين أبي حاتم الرازي وأبي زرعة الرازي برواية ابن أبي حاتم الرازي
42ـ نزهة القاري في شرح كتاب العلم من صحيح البخاري
43ـ التعليقات الحسان على أصول الإيمان لشيخ الإسلام/ محمد بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله
44ـ التعليقات اللطيفة على أصول السنة المنيفة للإمام الرباني أحمد بن حنبل الشيباني رحمه الله
45ـ النصح والبيان لمؤلف كتاب الجودة والإتقان في حلقات القرآن
46ـ يوم الجمعة شرفه وفضله ومكانته
47ـ التعليق على تلبيس إبليس تعليقات في باب العقيدة
48ـ وقفات ومعالم سؤالان وجوابهما
49ـ الأجوبة الأثرية عن الأسئلة المنهجية خمسون سؤالاً وجواباً
50ـ الإرشاد إلى توضيح لمعة الاعتقاد
51ـ الإيضاحات السنية لأصول العقائد الدينية
52ـ المجموع الأصيل لتوضيح العقائد بالتفصيل
53ـ الفوائد الجلية من شرح مسائل الجاهلية.

53ـ الفوائد الجلية من شرح مسائل الجاهلية


We ask Allaah (The Most Merciful) to grant Al-Allaamah Zayd Bin Haadi a place in paradise and benefit the Ummah with the knowledge he has left behind.  We ask Allaah to preserve Ahlus Sunnah and their scholars.  Aameen.

Abridged and paraphrased [For further details, see link:]



Who should we take our knowledge from? Shaykh Rabee’

Shaykh Rabee – may Allah preserve him and reward him with good – was asked about taking knowledge from those upon the Salafi Manhaj; he said:

If he was upon the Salafi Manhaj and didn’t have any misguidance (with him) and he calls to the Salafi Manhaj, then it is obligatory that knowledge is taken from him and it is not taken from the people of falsehood.

The salaf used to say: Indeed this knowledge is religion so look (beware) of whom you take your religion from. And if a man used to speak (about the religion) they would say to him: “Name us your men” so if they were people of innovation (that he named) they would not take (any knowledge) from him and if they were from the people of sunnah, then (the salaf) would take from him.

Therefore the religion of Allah is not taken from the people of falsehood, because they are the people of deception and they mix falsehood with truth, so as to propagate their falsehood.

So it is upon the student that he is diligent in taking knowledge from its pure unadulterated sources, from the Salafi books, from those who teach these books and from the sincere truthful ardent ones who spread the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings upon him – and spread his correct methodology. And from those who are sincere, truthful and ardent upon guiding the people and saving them from misguidance and from the destructive paths.

Al-Lubbaab min majmoo’ nasaaih wa tawjihaat. Page 185