[1] The Khawaarij and Takfeer- ISIS and others
Shaikh Muhammad Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) said in his book titled ‘Al-Muhkam Wal Mutashaabih Fit Takfeer Wal Jihaad’ page 47:
It is Haraam to make takfeer of a Muslim without a Mukaffirah [i.e. a deed of major disbelief he (or she) has committed] or without establishing the proofs. [1]
Full information here: http://salaficentre.com/2015/06/unravelling-doubts-of-the-takfeeris-rebuttal-of-the-aqeedah-of-isis-and-their-supporters-1/
[1] See here: The Principles of Takfeer
advise, callers to misguidance, ibaadah, khawaarij and Takfeer- ISIS and others, knowledge, manhaj, protection, scholars, sins and disobedience, trials, worship