Manhaj Questions and Answers on the Opposers, Innovators, on Companionship, Tabdee, Hajar and Related Affairs [By Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee]
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
Indeed, the noble Salafi teachers – both the younger ones and those over the age of forty- in the Masaajid and Centres are busy teaching the books of Aqeedah and Fiqh, and the elder students- in particular – are busy nurturing the youngsters and the new comers to Salafiyyah; however this does not mean that one becomes oblivious of those other very important affairs of the Manhajus Salafi, knowledge and sound stances that safeguarded many of us by the Tawfeeq of Allaah.
It is very important to bear in mind that many of those elder students at Salafipublications who were guided to the sound Salafi Methodology realised the importance of transmitting some very important clarifications of the scholars regarding the manner in which a Salafi approaches the Mukhaalifoon (the opposers), the Mumayyi’oon (those who seek to dilute the sound Salafi stances against the deviants) and the Hizbiyyoon (the illegal partisans). We are not saying that one merely reads and then goes out to apply these clarifications straight away; rather one reads and asks the students, especially those students who transmitted these clarifications and have numerous tapes in refutation against ahlul bidah (people of innovation).
Indeed, those clarifications compiled years ago are still relevant and we cannot shy away from them. However, it must be emphasised that we always refer back to the students in the Maraakiz, especially the elder ones, to advise us whenever we face certain situations in relation to dealing with the Mukhaalifeen, the Mu’mayyi’oon, the Hizbiyyoon and the people of Bidah, or when giving Dawah to a person who is confused about certain affairs related to the Salafi Manhaj. We ask Allaah for Ikhlaas, Thabaat and Husnul Khaatimah Aameen. So benefit from the likes of the following articles at
Manhaj Questions and Answers on the Opposers, Innovators, on Companionship, Tabdee`, Hajar and Related Affairs
Author: Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee
advice, ibaadah, Innovation, knowledge, manhaj, protection, scholars, worship